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#0166: Learning Curves

24 thoughts on “#0166: Learning Curves

  1. Now let’s not be so hasty to judge the new kid. There may be a way to salvage some embarrassment value out of blue nipples.

    I’ve got it!

    They’re “mood nipples”! Like the mood rings we had back in the ’70s?

    Blue right now, but they change color depending on how aroused she is. She gets turned on, everyone call tell at a glance exactly how much so.

    1. Now you are giving JC ideas for this poor woman if we ever see her again. lol

    2. Kinda like in the movie “Mood Boobs,” but with nipples! 🙂


  2. Blue nipples are hot. Erm, I mean cold…

  3. She does suck.

  4. Hmmm, maybe milk leakage, really not sure what else she think she wanted.

    1. Young faeries are not known to really think things through…


      1. Well I meant the older one. She had an idea, but what the young one did, was different then she was thinking. So I wonder what the older one was thinking.

        1. We’ll probably never know. If it wasn’t me, I probably would have done something to her hands so she would pull the face of every passerby into her chest. BBBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLB!!!


        2. brilliant, i should have figure that one too.

  5. She doesn’t suck. Perhaps they are blue cause they are so cold? And when they get hot. they turn nice and red and grow bigger and bigger? >:D

  6. Heh. Comic about blue nipples, and the ad to the left has a girl with blue nipples in some weird mirror, and to the right is a Cutepet ad featuring Liara T’soni from Mass Effect wearing a translucent nighty.

    1. ye gods, what an incredible coincidence!

  7. Perhaps related to “Blue Balls”?

    She needs to get them some “attention” before they can resume their normal appearance.

  8. Busty Faerie looks kinda impressed: not what she expected but a good job anyway

  9. Aw, man. o_o It’s like bullies running after a kid they’ve already sent running, just so they can do even worse.

    1. Par for he course, I think. Faeries act as advertised.


  10. The Phantom's Belch

    Now now, Attitude, don’t get discouraged. Maybe your talent lies with color alteration rather than physical enhancements. Still lots of fun to be had with that particular talent.

    Remove all color from a wall! Presto! Instant “glass” brick wall for someone to run into.

    Snakeskin patterns on someone’s pet chihuahua. Guaranteed to scare the little kids senseless.

    Pink elephants!

    The possibilities are endless. Have fun!

    1. Considering the *bleep* she got up to in the blog stories, I’d say the little stinkbug is only getting warmed up…

  11. The next step is to convince a crowd of helpful bystanders that they need to wash the blue off before it becomes permanent.

  12. The woman looks rich. Just blackmail her for money or the threat of worse curses than that and be done with it *lol*

    …What do fairies do with money anyway?

    1. Re: faeries vs money…

      “And by the way, it’s not about making money, it’s about taking money. Destroying the status quo because the status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just… need to curse it.”


      1. -Jaycee, paraphrasing Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

      2. HAHA that make sense. Give money and take money but not because you want money, only because you want to mess with the world.

        …Wasn’t there something about that in the Batman Movie with the Joker? Something Alfred told about a man who stole diamonds but was throwing them by the side of the road as all he really cared about was causing chaos and destruction. Some men just want to watch the world burn… and faye just want to see it humiliated.

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