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#0167: THAT’s Not Embarrassing!

25 thoughts on “#0167: THAT’s Not Embarrassing!

  1. and that’s where attitude goes wrong. (refering to the flat one, in case i got the name wrong again)

    suggestion: archive to track a certain storyline.
    interwoven just doesn’t work out when you want to look back to refresh your memory.

    1. I totally agree with ^that^ suggestion! ????

  2. *sigh* Yup, it’s Attitude.

  3. lol, itchy and sensitive that is brilliant.

  4. Pur pur attitude… She’ll get this human humiliation business right yet… So she’d hate to have blue nipples herself?

  5. *sigh*… *unzip*

    1. You made me LOL. 😉


  6. This is awful 🙁 she was just walking along and now shes a freak.

    1. Well, that’s faeries for you. Nasty, amoral, sadistic creatures.

      1. We can but hope that these sex-hexes will be temporary as well.

        Since Blondie isn’t around, the chances of that actually seem pretty good!
        But we must also hope that this Victorianesque lady doesn’t become the faeries’ “pet project”. |:(

  7. I love the butler’s reaction as if this is just everyday around there.

    1. Butler has seen some shit.

  8. gods.. I wish we really had these fairies in real life – what FUN!!

    1. No, you don’t. Even the nicest Fae can leave your life a mess just because they see no reason why “THIS” shouldn’t be doing “THAT!”

      1. Or why ‘THAT’ shouldn’t go in ‘THERE’ and be doing ‘THIS!!!!!’

        1. Wait… it SHOULDN’T? Maaaaannn, I’ve been doing it all wrong.

        2. not like humans are much better, just look at bully kids.

        3. Didn’t mean that it shouldn’t, they don’t see why it shouldn’t (as in, “let’s do it!”)

        4. And their magic is normally aimed at maximal humiliation and embarrassment, not happy fun times.

        5. Not while you’re driving, no.

  9. The Phantom's Belch

    Attitude is just so innocent at times! Hasn’t she learned from Busty’s tales that not removing the “secondary effects” can give the best results?

    Either way, this year’s award for Best Supporting Faerie goes to … drumroll please? (Drummer starts banging out “Wipeout”.) … Close enough. It goes to… ATTITUDE!

  10. I don’t like the way the writing for the strip has been going lately.

    There are too many balls in the air, so to speak. There are a bunch of different characters all going in different directions. Actually, it’s worse than that. They don’t seem to have much direction at all. It’s like you threw a bunch of ideas at the wall to see which ones were sticky. It all seems quite random. I’m having a hard time caring any more.

    Now, maybe I just need to have a little more faith. Maybe, you’ll somehow tie up the plot lines involving a hermaphroditic wizard, a cursed princess and her spurned lover, a cursed knight with an innkeeper’s daughter and a bandit captain, a bunch of newly-enlightened nuns, some sensitive, itchy, blue nipples, and a temporary magic-nullification amulet.

    What’s more, some of the strips are just kind of flaccid. The bit with the nuns didn’t advance any plot, and really wasn’t all that funny. The current pranks on the yellow-clad noblewoman just seem mean. She didn’t do anything to deserve this.

    I do still like the art. The fountains of tears in the current strip is a great gag that has further potential. (What happens to you if faerie tears drip on you?)

    Anyway, if you’re going to do story arcs, I’d rather see them progress from start to climax with a steadier rhythm, instead of having them interrupting each other all over the place.

    1. “she didn’t do anything to deserve this” – But… She just explained it to attitude a few strips ago…

      One person noted that the era for Attitude’s education appears to be in the future when observing the much more Victorian era clothing compared to the medieval clothing in the main running series so there’s that depth to consider.

      I do see what you mean though with us jumping back and forth constantly. I think I’d prefer 2-3 pages of one story strip before switching to the next like we did until Thane got his pants and we met Lara, rather than switching every 1-2 pages. I know there have been a couple more 3 page runs since then but also so many single pages and switching across the four or five story lines that its a little frustrating.

      We’ve got Thane/Lara, Wizardess/Lurker/Heather, Marie/Lucky/Karma, Future faeries and possibly the nuns of Cathol. However I suspect the Cathol nuns are part of Thane’s plot line and we won’t be seeing them for some time (if ever). Personally I believe their entire purpose was to loose Thane his pants and boots so he could gain them off Lara, however that could have been done just as easily with Gus just recounting the Cathol Nun incident when he recounted the incident with Lara rather than showing it. The comic often brings these characters around for some purpose later so I suspect we’ll see them with relevance again at some future date.

      But yes, even without them 4 story trails is possibly one too many… or at least the switching every 1-2 pages is just too frequent. “Can’t repress THOSE” should be just before “Learning Curves”. There’s no need for the “command performance” page (unless it’s put just before our next meeting with those three). “Charity Touches Everyone” might have been considered part of the next pages with Thane and Lara, but it doesn’t work (drop it, include it just after “Defeater Argument” or just before another meeting with them or have it as one of the wrap-up pages to this arc).

      Even then we’re still talking four or five arcs and three major arcs that surely can’t relate to each other in the near future considering either distance or time. If the Thane/Lara/Inkeeper/Nun plots aren’t going to relate to the Wizardess/Heather/Lurker/Lucky/Marie/Karma plots currently under way then they should be separated to run their course alone.

      But hey… thats just my honest but minor opinion… not like I’m gonna stop reading any time soon really.

      1. I also find the myriad of subplots excessive and would prefer that some of them would be neatly tied up and put into storage until needed.

        1. And yet, I often find myself wondering what’s up with Baby, Nadia and Patience, and Albert, none of whom have been mentioned above. Plus the victim’s of Albert’s spiced +1 wine; we got one brief followup with the noblewoman, and not even that with the bishop (maybe he could go on an inspection tour and visit the nuns).

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