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#0175: Faerie Angry Indeed!

13 thoughts on “#0175: Faerie Angry Indeed!

  1. That is just cheating. Why not make it the kingdom was a spider-free zone?

    1. How?

      “I’m doing it.”

    2. How is this cheating? All is fair in magic and mayhem. Besides their magic seems to be more focused on altering and mind influencing which maybe why animals (or insects) lack the intellect required for their magic to be effective against? Also, spiders have a habit of making these really sticky webs that i’m sure faeries cannot magic out of and soon become spider food. Seeing how faeries never carry any sort of weapons, it makes some sense as to why the faeries would hate them.

      1. That and maybe their magic only works on humans and other humanoids that they can fuck like orcs, elves, etc.

        If you notice none of their magic has altered any objects or non-humanoid creatures such as spiders. It’s always been people that have been affected physically or mentally by them.

    3. I don’t think they *can* just make the kingdom spider-free. In the last strip we learn that their magic doesn’t work on spiders. To eliminate them would require manipulating someone or something else into getting rid of them, and from what I’ve seen faeries don’t really have the focus to undertake and maintain an organized campaign of that scale.

      Heck, they’re practically the exact opposite of “organized”.

  2. The princess should get that lump checked out.

    1. However I get the feeling that it is she that will be checking out the sorceress’s “lump” out soon enough.

  3. So I’m thinking singing the Spiderman theme and Itsy-bitsy spider around them would lead to an interesting outcome.

  4. So much for my theory that the wizard was wearing spider-silk robes to faerie proof himself. Zappo!

    If the wizard is REALLY lucky, Herman isn’t going to wake up… if not then… somehow I suspect they’ll be thinking a lot about spiders as this situation progresses…

  5. Oh, ick. >_< That is… one uncomfortable-looking coupling.

    The wizard should be overjoyed, though.

  6. Is the wizardess actually catching on to what happened in the second panel? She’s more perceptive since the transformation, isn’t she?

    1. Ugh, I meant the THIRD panel.

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