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#0176: Undercover Job

37 thoughts on “#0176: Undercover Job

  1. Remind me to never get on a fairies bad side.

  2. She was this close…

    1. And yet so far…. Blame it on Herman. At least she doesn’t know its the Sorcerer himself and still thinks its his twin sister (say that with Darth Vader’s voice). Might keep his head off the chopping block… might.

      1. Which head? *wink wink nudge nudge hint hint*

  3. Now I’m gonna have to wonder if The Wizard’s condition is transmittable like an STD? Wasn’t one of the temporary potions that caused the Wizard’s current condition do the same thing?

    1. If so, that would make things interesting. So she would end up with speaking bits, and sex with the witch/wizard would be twice the fun for both.

  4. Really hoping that gnat gets caught and imprisoned in a spiders-web cocoon for a hundred years

    1. So much hate toward creatures whose only crime is to spread a little love… 😉

      “I’m doing t.”

      1. ‘Spreading love’ rarely seems to be their purpose, though.
        It’s more often like ‘continue to punish people for the crimes of ancestors whose names and deeds were forgotten by their descendants a dog’s age ago.’

        1. You do realize that most of the fairies’ targets tend to be those that tend to be prudes piss off the fairies in some fashion, or are actually helping someone out for some reason.

        2. ‘Prude’ is a rather relative term, and hardly a reason to get hit with the whammy.

          As for punishing those who tick them off — the faeries do not believe in proportional punishment. What happened to sir Thane and Gustav is pretty horrific. Thane’s a moron, not a monster, and Gustav was just camping in the woods.

        3. I think each Fairy’s individual motives for why they curse humans, vary from fairy to fairy. The brown haired one seems to be the fairly decent one while the blond seems the more vindictive one. Of course the motives of each fairy on why they curse humans also shows what kind of targets they pick as well.

        4. From personal experience, prudery is very offensive to faeries. They just don’t get it (and technically, I have a hard time explaining or justifying it). It’s like someone refusing to eat for reasons OTHER than health. Faeries just think we’re stupid (and self-destructive), so they make sure we… well, eat. A lot.

          “I’m doing it.”

  5. Rawr.

    That is all.

  6. Well, the old perv’s been wanting to do that for a while. I surprised he had that much restraint.

    1. That’s probably because Herman and Velvet were asleep at first and not due to restraint.

  7. Oh.. damn.. now I’m stuck awake wondering if she’s licking or sucking..

    .. oh.. and wishing we actually had those sexy little faeries in real life!

    1. Or both. =_=

  8. I for one bow down to the cute faries

    1. FDAU, just the way they lke it 😛

      1. I had to look it up, i am not a girl… unless a faerie makes me female, lol.

        1. LOL! I didn’t even know this myself! And they say you don’t learn anything reading dirty comics. Pfah!

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. Maybe you should list this comic as educational material then. rofl

        3. I am learning to always be very nice to faeries

        4. TJ… That position does not only apply to girls… o_o
          To either gender, it can translate as “You are screwed”.

        5. Yeah, it’s definitely a universal position, though (probably because of my personal wiring) I find it sexier when performed by a female.

          And saying this, my (dirty) mind wondered about what would happen if a faerie decided to cut loose and make all muslim females incredibly horny during prayer… The men (traditionally in the front) would miss all the show (and the opportunity)… Come to think of it, maybe that’s WHY they pray in the front… To avoid temptation and dirty thoughts…

          “I’m doing it.”

        6. I hope they won’t do that.
          The kind of punishment that would follow as soon as the magic runs out would be horrific.

        7. Then i hope i am turn to a girl, first, lol.

  9. Haven’t posted in awhile. This is a great. The wizard finally breaks his own curse of virginhood (I’m pretty sure the herman-velvet incident counts as masturbation)

    1. That’s kind of hard to tell. After all, Herman did go into a body’s orifice. It was just his/her own. You can’t do that as a normal human being.

      I guess we can say it counts but that it’s very pathetic/humorous and not something you would want to count. XD

      1. Sorta how the question comes up, if you have sex with your gender swap magical clone, is it consider sex or masturbation.

        1. At the very least, it’s incest.

  10. Hope you guys don’t mind the plug but just found a kickstarter project for a children’s book written by the original author of Exiern and current Author of Blade Bunny, “DROWEMOS” with the artist set to be none other than XYLIA TALE’S own BARB JACOBS!!!

    Looks like it hasn’t been plugged very well but if there are fans here of either the writer or the artist or even people just wanting to lend a bit of a hand by pledging $5 to get a PDF of the book then please assist or even just share on facebook and spread the word so they can make the goal.

    1. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of advertising Kickstarter projects that I don’t personally endorse, especially a children’s book (this site just doesn’t seem like the right platform for this), but in this particular case (because it’s Drowemos), I’ll make an exception and leave it there. He’s a great guy and has been very generous with this advice to me in the past. I hope the project does well!

      “I’m doing it.”

  11. It probable just funny art, but the way her breasts spread wide for her arm, that sorta looks painful.

  12. Props to the wizard for trying.

    1. Looks to me like the wizard didn’t try hard enough. On the other hand (hopefully not on MY hand) Herman’s trying TOO hard…

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