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#0195: Wish Granted

31 thoughts on “#0195: Wish Granted

  1. You should show a before an after on the sisters…they look really lovely <3

    1. Well, we did see a ‘before’ for the blonde

      1. true but was thinking like a pinup with all three with their before looks and their after looks

        1. MAybe they will show how he got to this Inn and what he wanted to do that moment probebly will be able to see how they looked like

        2. OH MY Gosh!!! A talking Bulbasaur! :O …… and you make a good point Bulba

        3. Bulba, BlabaSAUR!!

          I hope they will..

  2. Well, Lara’s minion obviously didn’t expect the daughters to jump him. I wonder if he’ll be forced to marry one of the daughters for sleeping with them?

  3. Right place at the wrong time, lol.

    1. Looks like the right place to me… 😉

      1. …and the right time too.

  4. Oh he’s suffering. He didn’t even have to toss and call it,..
    (Pun narrowly avoided)

  5. Man, I hope the two at the foot of the bed are only stepsisters. Ick…

  6. Oh, ICK! >_< I really don't like what those sisters were doing with each other.

    1. Keepin it in the family *lulz*
      These guys need to just sit out of town and wait for him to trot out without a harem… Although I guess he would be on horse and they on foot…

    2. This is why it always seems odd when people wish that this kind of magic existed in reality.

      1. AGREED.

        1. I wouldn’t wish for incest to be more common, and I wouldn’t say that I’d necessarily with all women were wanton sex maniacs.

          However I might wish that sex wasn’t considered such a taboo or private experience/subject and I might wish that women who enjoyed sex frequently and openly weren’t labeled negatively.

          Seriously, come up with the common names for women who have a lot of sex and then compare them to the common names for men who have a lot.

        2. Alright, I can agree with the last part of that sentiment. (To me, sex is private because I like it to be an intimate experience between the contributing parties with emotional meaning, rather than just a boink-and-thanks kind of thing, but that’s me.)

          Keep in mind, though, that faeries and their sex-hexes do nothing to counteract the double standard or the taboos.
          Also, personally, I don’t think highly of tomcats and ‘playahs’.

        3. I guess it would be better said that I might wish people didn’t push their opinion of sex as taboo and private onto others. Certainly nothing wrong with those who enjoy exclusive relationships. I’d just like them to share the opinion that there’s nothing wrong with those who dislike romantic relationships or prefer open relationships. But I would argue that open relationships can still be special and intimate (just obviously not everyone’s cup of tea).

          Won’t argue with fae sex-hexes. Thats just them pushing humiliating sexual will onto others.

          Don’t really have an issue with tomcats or playahs. Mostly with cheaters. See, the key to open relationships is honesty. A cheater or womanizer will happily lie to, manipulate or deceive women to get with them. A playah is generally someone who is up-front. Someone a woman would sleep with, knowing that he sleeps with others (i.e. a woman happy with open relationships or flings). Certainly, not every woman WOULD want to sleep with them, but they are given the knowledge to make that informed choice. A woman who wouldn’t knowingly sleep with a playah, may unwittingly sleep with a womanizer who leads her to believe they are in an exclusive relationship.

        4. MidnightDStroyer

          “Keep in mind, though, that faeries and their sex-hexes do nothing to counteract the double standard or the taboos.”

          That’s probably the whole point. The fairies wouldn’t get nearly as much fun out of their hexes if the taboos & social mores were still intact. I mean, really…In the time-period depicted in the comic, fantasy genre that it is, there were far, far more social restrictions on sexuality & sensuality than exist today.

        5. MidnightDStroyer

          …social mores *weren’t* still intact…

          I really wish the comments had an edit function.

        6. Essentially, the people who push their views of what they imagine sex should be are no different to the faeries. Both try to force people to act the way they want sexually.

          Personally I believe sex should be enjoyed between a man and his wife. If anyone reading this wants to enjoy it between me and my wife then let me know.

  7. What’s the old saying? “Incest means keeping it all in the family”? Technically, it’s heterosexual incest that’s dangerous because it can result in genetic defects. Sisters or mother/daughter can’t result in children, therefore it’s just distasteful, not offspring-threatening.

    And I have to admit, seeing the blond girl before and after, I’m happy for her.

    1. What about brothers or father/son?

      Also gives us an idea what her sisters looked like ‘before’, without making us see

    2. Alexander The So So

      even then, its generally only dangerous starting with the third generation. genetically.

      1. …Which is why the so-called “elite” in the noble/royal families practiced incest as much as they did, throughout most of history. They had no concept of genetics & artificially selected for family members to try “keeping the bloodline pure” & preserve “desirable traits.”

        Little did they know…

    3. Yes, because potential danger to the genetic legacy of the cartoon characters was the real concern. LOL…

    4. I tend to think that its viewed as the destruction of the family relationship by many people. A family relationship is generally viewed by people as something special and sacred compared to other relationships. Effectivley, you are born with a default set of people who will love you and put them selves out to assist you (unless you are unlucky, admittedly).

      A sexual or romantic relationship might come or go but a blood relationship is something not so easily severed or dismissed and romanticizing or sexualizing it is often considered to be tainting it. Its difficult to get or claim jealousy because your brother and sister are also each other’s brother and sister but often easy for lovers to be jealous over their partner’s love affairs with others.

      I wouldn’t hold it against people if they were immediate family members and grown, consensual lovers. However if asked “Persue a romantic relationship with my brother: good idea or bad idea” my answer is “bad”

  8. “Never Marry a Virgin, Son.
    Any girl what ain’t good enough fer her own Bruthers, ain’t good enough fer you.”

    1. oh,…. that was bad,….

      1. “And always be sure she can cook food good.”

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