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#0200: ereH eeS ot gnihtoN

26 thoughts on “#0200: ereH eeS ot gnihtoN

  1. So Marie cries out, Heather finds her, has her punished by–oh, let’s say spanking.

    Which eiraM feels, thanks to that two-way connection. That’ll larn ‘er.

    1. Yeah, was just thinking that: eiraM learns out the Bad Touch goes both way while Heather tans Marie’s suculent hide (eiraM feels it all but Marie only feels tingles and pleasure, causing Heather to tan harder, causing eiraM to feel the blows more, etc :D)

    2. Nah, this’ll have to turn sexual some how. For the Wizard and Heather they need only think of spiders somehow. Heather also has the bonus of Lurker’s connection to her (bet mirror will flash an image of her again to work him up) while Wizzy has Herman and Velvet. Marie had her mirror image to heat her up and who may join in or push things.

      AND IF THAT WASN’T ENOUGH!… The fae is still in the room… O.o

      wait wait wait… didn’t Heather, Wizzy and that other archivist get zapped when last we saw them???

  2. As everything that’s magical automatically an asshole?

    1. Other than the mirror, yes.

    2. Those little faeries are AWESOME, not arseholes!

      Wish, WISH, we had them in real life!

  3. Come on Mirror Marie, be nice.

  4. Who is this maid again? Is she the dude who got turned into a maid?

    1. Nope, she’s her reflection, made real. Hence why her words are spelt backwards.

      1. No, the maid is Prince Albert’s dream girlfriend (she got beautified by the Annoying Gnat to ‘deflower’ the prince but then went back to ‘normal’, and then Thane’s ‘magic’ permanently beautified her)

        1. You can see Marie’s very first appearance right here in Panel 1:

          As you can see, she’s changed quite a bit since then. Princess Heather is as of yet still unaware of the transformation in her maid servant. The only time she’s seen her before was when Heather, Marie, and the Lurker as a Marie clone were all in Heather’s bedroom masturbating at the same time. Heather didn’t recognize her and is still unaware of who she was. If she catches Marie like this things could get very interesting indeed!

        2. Correction: The only time Princess Heather had seen Maid Marie _in this form_ before was when…

  5. BTW, congrats on 0200 strips 🙂 !!!

    1. 217 strips, technically. There were 17 Sir Thane strips before the current numbering system began at the start of the Princess Heather story arc. Not to mention a couple of guest strips and ten character fact sheets, most of which are no longer showing up when you go to them. The pages for them still exist but the images have vanished.

    2. It’s 200 strips with Wondollar–yay!

      “I’m doing it.”

  6. Woo .. the princess gets to have sex with two of her sexy maids.
    They can tag-team her. 🙂

    1. Yes! Yes! and more YES!

  7. *sigh* Mirror-Marie is a *bleep*.

    1. Wouldn’t go that, unless the *bleep* hides “sex-craved sex-pot temptress”

      1. She should know what Marie knows, and yet she still pulls this crap. :-\ A *bleep* is what she is, Guesticus…

        1. Like said “sex-craved sex-pot temptress” with an added dash of faerie-playfullness

        2. > She should know what Marie knows, and yet she still pulls this crap

          [ Warning: philosophical rambling ahead ]

          If you consider eiraM to be a “reversed” copy of Marie (possessing same knowledge and memories) but still a self-aware, “free willed”(*) individual, capable of intentionally being a *bleep*, it leads to some disturbing implications.

          In particular, if they can effortlessly create intelligent life, can they equally easily destroy it? If so, what is the difference between that and cold-blooded murder?

          I’d rather consider eiraM and her ilk to be constructs, like empty body shells fully controlled by other faeries or summoned spirits or suchlike. That way we sidestep the hard questions.

          Plus, consider that eiraM knew about the connection while Marie did not.

          (*) Without going into the definition of “free will”. Let’s just assume the equivalent of what humans have.

        3. You lost me at “Warning: philosomething…” 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        4. That was intentional.
          Now go back to writing.

        5. Bossier than a faerie, you are.

          “Doing it, I am.”

    2. > *sigh* Mirror-Marie is a *bleep*.

      No, she’s a *peelb*.

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