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#0202: Schoolin’ Faeries

16 thoughts on “#0202: Schoolin’ Faeries

  1. The Phantom's Belch

    Poor Attitude, she’s got so much to learn. At least she’s learning from the best.

    Once again, I call for a story arc dedicated to Attitude flying solo!

    1. ‘Best’ is relative/subjective 😛

      Yes, we need to see more of Lil` Attitude: at the moment she is cute and fun and not as annoying as the rest of the Annoying Gnats

      1. The Phantom's Belch

        Well, Busty is certainly a better role model than Blond Meanie. And I have the feeling that other faeries wouldn’t be as patient with – or as amused by – ‘Tude as Busty is. (Mind, I’ve only seen four faeries so far: Busty, Blond Meanie, Attitude, and the one that cursed Thane because she got pissed off that she got pissed on.)

        1. Like said: ‘Best’ is subjective 😛

          Wait, wasn’t the one that had the unplanned Golden Shower Blond Meanie? Pretty sure remember seeing her flitter into the castle shortly afterwards, or was that Busty’s entry to the castle?

  2. I feel so bad for her, but you think there some faerie school to teach this, but maybe this is how they learn to. Faerie are amazingly fun creatures though.

  3. >_< *sigh* Poor Victorian lady…

    Meanwhile, the butler is thinking: "I don't get paid enough for this nonsense. And she's actually bollocks at this."

    1. The Phantom's Belch

      And I’m sure that, just like Marie, the Butler knows exactly what’s going on. Hell, he’s looking right at Busty and Attitude in the second panel. Attempting to hold to the “perfect English butler” ideal isn’t easy when faeries pay you a visit, but he’s doing his bloody best it looks.

      He’d be the perfect foil for Attitude, I think, much like the Wizard is for Busty (or Blond Meanie is to the Wizard….).

      1. He might be aware at that, if a faerie ever revealed itself to him.
        I recall from way back, at the beginning of the archives, that those who are not in the know just see faeries as insects.

        It would be interesting if the butler knew what the faeries are and still managed to keep his calm.

      2. No, Mr. Butler isn’t looking at the faeries, he’s looking straight ahead. The faeries are off to his right. And Gallstone is correct, to humans, faeries just appear as insects (generally dragonflies or butterflies) unless they’ve chosen to make themselves visible or cast magic on them.

        “I’m doing it.”

  4. I call the main Fairy in this comic Bloomie.

    1. She already appears to have the nickname ‘Busty’.

    2. Yes, but which one is the Main Fairy? And no, Thane doesn’t count 😛

  5. The Wizard/Ess needs to find a spell that will make a Fairie full-size and vulnerable to their own curses.

    THAT would be perfect.

  6. So is there a possibility a “rising lust spell” *isn’t* what it sounds like? Maybe a spell that makes you horny whenever you get up from a chair. Or you can only get turned on by people taller than you. Or you get randier and randier as you climb a flight of stairs.

    1. Or the more you have sex, the more you want it.

      1. Nah, I’d say that’s just normal life for any guy. 😛

        “I’m doing it.”

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