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#0206: I Stab at Thee

31 thoughts on “#0206: I Stab at Thee

  1. hmm im not sure if I like were this is going

    1. Looks more like a case of dry humping on Herman’s part that is going to get Marie in the mood for some loving again (she’s probably still sensitive from her mirror clone getting her off).

      I’d only have a problem if Herman actually ripped through the Wizard’s robes and Marie’s dress and went inside her vagina. That there would be very close to a case of rape there. But since we didn’t see a tearing sound effect on this strip, I’m going to assume that didn’t happen.

  2. Oh relax, Marie is just getting somemore lovin! and shes totally down.

    1. It is generally considered good manners to ask whether someone is ‘down’ before invading their very private space.

      1. Strictly speaking, I’m not sure you have to ASK for permission, at least not in words. But you do have to stop if the lady says no.

        Which, so far, is not an issue.

        “I’m doing it (with permission).”

        1. Actually Jaycee, you do have to ask for permission in a situation like the Wizard and Marie are in. If there wasn’t magic involved and the Wizard’s penis wasn’t sentient and he was in control, then it would be construed as harassment at the very least if Marie didn’t like it.

          Remember, the Wizard and Marie aren’t on a date or something like that where some kind of move like that is to be expected (though not as blunt and invasive like “Herman” did.).

          At that point, one party can make a move like what ‘Herman’ did in this strip and either it’ll cause the other party to either agree to have sex because they were aroused from that move, be turned off from that person due to his/her forwardness, or he/she will say no because the pace is too fast for him/her but is still attracted to the other party.

          I don’t blame the wizard for this as his penis is now a sentient being now and is able to exert some control like we have seen.

        2. This is fairly arguable based on setting, culture, and context. In an environment that isn’t as sexually repressed as North America, a boob or crotch grab might not provoke as severe a reaction as it does here/now. My own morals don’t allow me to do this, but it’d be arrogant on my part to think my moral standards are the best (or the only) ones.

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. I think the two people should at least be flirting with each other before the one of them even thinks of groping. I’d be more against it if someone just walks up to a person and gropes them for no reason.

        4. Given the semi-feudal/semi-medieval settings (knights/castle/etc) a boob or pussy grab would be nothing.

          Certainly they had no “harassment” laws or even harassment-based morals back in our medieval England.

        5. > Strictly speaking, I’m not sure you have to ASK for permission, at least not in words. But you do have to stop if the lady says no.

          So, if a “Bear” takes a liking to you, would you be OK with him grabbing your crotch while planting a deep, nicotine-tasting, french kiss on your lips and only stopping his advances if/when you say “no”, or would you rather he “asked for permission” first?

          Some things should not be trivialized.

        6. I’m probably the wrong person to ask. I have some pretty… liberal friends. It wouldn’t faze me much. I’d just say “no,” have a good laugh, move on, and have a fun night. And a good tale to tell later.

          We now return you to your regularly scheduled faerie antics.

          “I’m doing it.”

        7. I have some guy friends who are gay, and they only did any kind of thing like that if the person they are attracted to has shown that they reciprocate the attraction.

          I also agree with MidnightDstroyer, it doesn’t look like Marie is going to refuse and even if she did, it’s not like the Wizard is in full control of his faculties due to magic and all.

        8. MidnightDStroyer

          Even so, and also including the magical influence involved, Marie doesn’t look like she’s going to refuse. Apparently she just doesn’t have the will power…er, WON”T power…to refuse.

  3. Nom nom nom :3

  4. of course through it, it take to long to go around.

  5. Egad! o_o I see the Blonde Meanie put a Cadillac curse on the Wizard(ess).

  6. Heh heh, loving the 3rd panel: Herman is strong enough to drag the rest of the Sorceress along with him 😀

    Not just one dress, but two

    1. Hopefully, this will further reduce the chance of an unwanted pregnancy.

  7. There really isn’t going to be a dry spot left in the castle by the time this is all over.

    1. That’s the general idea. ^_^

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. It still won’t be “over” until the cleanup crew is done…The one reason why I’m glad to NOT be in this comic.

  8. It’s a comic, people…..come on this is a fanasty world, stop acting like this a the real world……

    1. They also need to stop projecting their country’s laws/moral/ethics onto what is a medieval and/or fantasy setting.

    2. Big thing is that this comic is meant to be more comedic and pervvy most of the time. When it has it’s questionable moments like this is when people can have problems with it and may vocalize it.

      If this was a more serious comic, then you probably wouldn’t get nearly as many people complaining about it.

      1. What this comic is meant to be (I’ve asked the author, I swear) is a safe and consequence-less exploration of what he thinks are sexy themes (his personal kinks, if you like). There’s bound to be times where this won’t work for some readers, but let’s all agree that we’ll be patient and tolerant with each other. I can promise you no real person was harmed in the making of these strips.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. Ideas are dangerous things, Jaycee.
          Once they get out in the wild, they take a life of their own, independent of the wishes and intents of their originator.

          The “safe and consequence-less” approach only works for so long and after a while, one starts asking questions.
          For example “would you rape a person if there are no consequences for you whatsoever?”, or “if the person is compelled to consent, is it still rape?” At this point, you know that you created something more than an idle fap-fantasy.

          Take the “Lurker” character for example, ultimately it is just some pixels on my monitor, but due to the method of its inception, I still cringe whenever it behaves in a matter that I feel to be douchebaggery.

          So congratulations, Jaycee, your comic is now officially into philosophy-worthy territory. It stimulates not only the simple sexual organs between your reader’s legs but also the complex ones between their ears. Nothing you can do about it short of ruining it completely or calling it quits.

          Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Sorry, but there is no more “safe and consequence-less” for you.

        2. That’s precisely it: ideas take a life of their own, independent of the will of their creator. Very much like children. I can no more take responsibility for someone’s actions (even based on “my” ideas) than I cold take responsibility for my child robbing a bank. We are all responsible for our actions. Our parents are not.

          This will be my last post on the matter. I have heard the arguments, but they are not new to me. I remain unconvinced even in the face of repetition.

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. *agree with you*

          It gets back to the “games are murder simulators” stupidity. (Why games? Why not TV news, war stories, films, etc?)

          WE are responsible for what WE do.
          I admit that I disagree with the comment about children – parents are responsible for the actions of children until they kids are deemed “adult”.

        4. I was, of course, referring to adult children, not 5 year-olds.

          “I’m doing it.”

  9. Looks like it’s time to put that thing in a cock cage.

    1. that only work when it soften, and so far, that has yet to happen it seem, lol.

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