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#0299: Damn the Torpedoes!

15 thoughts on “#0299: Damn the Torpedoes!

  1. I’m guessing he went after the nun first since the other two are distracted. It’s good to see that the Prince and the talking Wang are of one mind when it comes to sex and all.

  2. I wonder why he was looking at the door in panel 2.

    1. I think he’s looking at the image of Heather over the door.

      1. Yeah, but why?

        1. To make sure he was at the right room. What he’s seeing is not at all what he was expecting.

        2. He might also be a little worried that Heather will punish him for joining in with the messing up of her room. ^^;

        3. Yup, that’s the reason.

          “I’m doing it.”

  3. Useless Trivia: The phrase “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” has nothing to do with submarines. It comes from the Battle of Mobile Bay during the American Civil War. David Farragut, a Union rear-admiral, asked why his ships were holding back from sailing into the bay. The Confederate defenders had deployed a number of tethered naval mines, called torpedoes. His response was “Damn the torpedoes. Four bells, Captain Drayton, go ahead. Jouett, full speed.”

  4. and still no thoughts on locks.

    1. If anyone did, the stinkbugs would probably magic them open.

  5. and still, no one thinks to lock the door, lol.

    1. See above. ^_^

  6. Does this mean that we’re about to see an example of the inbreeding eugenics programs that royal & noble classes used to practice in order to keep “pure bloodlines?”

    1. Whaddaya mean? The Prince isn’t related to anyone currently in the room. Heather is still strolling naked about town with giant honkin’ hooters (so as not to attract undo attention) :p

      1. Mind you, Albert did seem rather too interested in his sister’s body back when he had control of her hands…

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