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#0303: Say Yes to the Dress

22 thoughts on “#0303: Say Yes to the Dress

  1. Why even get dressed then, just go up to each guy naked and then screw them. Though I guess she wants to get back to the castle in a more timely manner. lol

  2. It cute how much fun she starting to have with all this. I wonder if that messes with the fairy ego, lol.

  3. Here i thought the Faerie would have her walk naked to the castle.

    1. Well, Heather isn’t freaking out about it, there’s no 20-man pile-up, so it’s not that interesting anymore.

      And maybe, just maybe, they’re actually becoming friends.

      1. Wouldn’t THAT be something?

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. I rather be a fairy friend then her enemy, that for sure.

  4. Well, I imagine Heather’s thoughts were revolving around this subject while she was walking home.
    With giga-boobs.
    Causing space-shortage in men’s trousers all the way.
    So yeah, not too surprising that this is her sartorial choice, given her kinks. It’s basically what she has now, except with some cloth and a little more magical oomph.

    Interesting to see Heather and Busty becoming partners over time…

    1. Now that they’re such good friends, they should become partners in a clothing company. I like Heather’s ideas on fashion design.

      1. Faerie magic only has temporary effects, so the clothes would eventually disappear. (Not to mention what other traps Busty would set in them.) While the venture might have high sales initially, I doubtvthere would be enough repeat customers to keep it afloat… Besides, Busty would get bored with it soon enough.

        1. Little known fact about faerie magic: it lasts longer when cast on inanimate objects–but yes, it eventually fades. Which, when you think about it, is a GREAT business model. Gotta go back and buy some more after a while.

          But you’re right, no faerie would want to do this for very long.

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. But would they, knowing that
          A: the clothes disappear without warning and much faster than normal clothes wear out, and
          B: there could be sex-hexes boobytraps in the clothes?

          It occurs to me that a group of sufficiently motivated faeries might collaborate on such a venture, handing the duty round as soon as someone got bored… But there’d have to be a LOT of them.

        3. So inanimate matter is less resistant?
          Is that because the inanimate doesn’t actively fight being changed or controlled, or because it lacks biological activity, which means the object of the spell is more stable in the case of the inanimate?

        4. Attitude never explained it fully, but it sounds like inanimate objects don’t have a strong fate (or destiny) and are therefore easier to alter (and alterations last longer).

          “I’m doing it.”

        5. Aren’t fairy spells capable of lasting forever (or practically forever as far as human lifespans are concerned) if the Fairy is strong enough? I.E. the curse that was put on Thane is still going strong.

          Or is it some kind of self sustaining spell that feeds off Thane having sex or something?

        6. Well, who truly knows what’s possible with faeries, right? A bunch of factors seem to impact the duration of the spell, including living/unliving, fate/destiny, anger/determination of the faerie, psyche/compatibility of the target, casting time, etc.

          So I suppose if all the stars align in the right way, yes, a spell could presumably last several lifetimes.

          “I’m doing it.”

  5. Given what we know about faeries from the strip, I am led to believe that the spells last longer if the target is not strongly opposed to their effects (or even secretly desires them — guilty pleasures and so on). It could also explain why we haven’t seen faeries doing violence to people.

    Just a hypothesis.

    1. That’s a very plausible model, yes. And besides, violence just isn’t in the faerie’s psychological makeup. Not wired that way. Doesn’t mean they can’t be cruel or malicious, but not violent, no.

      “I’m doing it.”

  6. A query for the Author – could a spell be designed to somehow “harvest” sexual energy (as it’s generated by the people involved), & use it as “fuel”, to prolong the duration of the spell?

    1. It sounds like an infinite magic loop, which clearly violates the laws of arcanodynamics. I doubt it’s feasible.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. I wasn’t thinking of a perpetual situation – just a prolonging strategy. My inspiration was from this series:

      2. …the idea being that the sexual energy created within range of the spell is (almost always) less than the energy employed to run the spell, so it *still* expires…
        …just not quite as soon.
        As I see it, any situation that has enough ambient energy to balance (or exceed) a spell’s energy requirements would represent an orgy of such magnitude that it couldn’t be sustained for any serious length of time – the people would (eventually) need a “time out” for sleep, food, etc.
        So, anyway, “infinite”? No way.

        1. I have no clue whether it’s feasible, but I know faeries are rarely concerned with duration. When the spell runs out, it’s because it’s time for it to run out. They can always cast it again. They don’t think in terms of savings or energy efficiency like we do. This kind of analytical approach is typically human and they don’t really get it.

          “I’m doing it.”

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