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#0306: Happy Halloween

35 thoughts on “#0306: Happy Halloween

  1. Can I get a ride on that three hour tour?

  2. Baby as the Professor? Would love to know the thought process that led to *that* one! (I might have given the role to the Sorceress.)

    1. On the path to great knowledge and wisdom, the first step is to become as a young child…

    2. Had to sing the song single her out has Proffessor.

      1. The Professor never looked this good. 🙂

        “I’m doing it.”

  3. I don’t think I recognize everyone in this line-up. Several, maybe most, but not all. Can someone I.D. them all for me?

    1. The Phantom's Belch

      Left to right: Marie as Maryanne, Aiden as Skipper, Prince Arthur as Gilligan (fitting), Baby as the Professor, Karma as Ginger, Sorceress as Mrs. Howell, the Lurker as Mr. Howell… and of course Princess Heather as the S.S. Minnow.

      1. Sir Thane is Skipper. Prince Albert is Gilligan. You got the rest right.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. The show saw never aired where I grew up so I had to look it up.

          The Lurker does actually look a bit like Howell (

          Thanks for the smile, not to mention an opportunity to learn a bit more about American cultural phenomena.

          (* goes back to being eaten by giant spiders… *)

        2. Thane and Albert look REALLY different in modern(ish) clothes. ^^

        3. The Phantom's Belch

          Arthur, Albert… I knew it started with an A. 🙂

          And Thane? *looks closer* Okay, I see it.

  4. I blinked. Did a triple take, then laughed myself out of my chair. So…success! 😀 Awesome pic!

    1. Glad you loved it. This was all Wondollar’s idea and it works perfectly.

      “I’m doing it.”

  5. sir thane is the captain of the boat heather^^

    1. is there a after picture where thane curses work?^^

    2. Maybe the Minnow’s engines need a good cleaning… 😉

      I’m sure it’d be a much nicer ship after. 😀

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. It’d never work; she’d be able to get them off the island, then. 😉

        1. I saw what you did there. “Get them off…” 😉

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. *whistles innocently*

  6. I always thought Mary Ann was the hottie compared to Ginger…. but now, with Karma — I’d be hard pressed to take one over the other. And, much as I am an old fart white bread kind of guy… Babe is still my fave knockout… even in an old starched shirt. (although the new, bigger than life sized Princess Heather (minus her boat) is in the top five now.

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Poor Heather!

    1. Infusions of humility can be good for the soul.

      1. Heather’s soul must be pure by now, then.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. Doubtful. It’s accumulated a lot of dirt over the years and needs some more rinsing.

        2. So you’re voting for more faerie cruelty?

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. Cruelty no shenanigans definitely Yes 😀

  8. I get the feeling that this is supposed to refer to something but the reference is too obscure to google

    1. Gilligan’s Island. A classic TV show from the 70’s.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. That’d be the 70’s that ran from 1964-67.

        1. Jaycee’s a young pup. He only caught the reruns. 😀

        2. 1) I wasn’t born for another 20 years from then.
          2) I am not an American so I don’t get much of your obscure pop culture references. It took me hours to find out what south parks season 16 finally “Obama wins” was referring to for instance.

        3. For what it’s worth, I’m not from the U.S. either. Also, while the show has been over for 40+ years, there are still some nostalgia channels that play reruns even today, in foreign languages. That’s how popular it was.

          “I’m doing it.”

        4. Currently residing in Quebec, if I recall correctly

  9. Three guys, five women.

    Works for me! 🙂

  10. Thought Marie was Patience at first, until others correctly named her :/

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