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#0314: A Regular Dong Juan

38 thoughts on “#0314: A Regular Dong Juan

  1. A causal conversation with a penis, got to love it, haha.

  2. A shame that Herman is stuck to Albert or else I think the princess would want to have sex with a man with a talking penis just for the novelty of it.

    It’s also quite funny to see Albert having an issue with a woman staring/talking to his penis when he has done similar things to women’s breasts san talking to them.

    1. She might be curious and want to try it at first, but when it starts describing what it “sees” inside her, it might creep her out a bit.

      As for Albert and the double standard, well… Yeah, it’s a double standard. 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. I’m surprised none of those girls who did the mambo with Albert were at all put off by Herman shouting all the time…

        1. He’s pretty good at what he does.

          “I’m doing it.”

      2. I noticed you used the word “might”… 😉 & she could always just tell Henry to change the subject…

  3. This is… more surreal than usual. ^^;

    1. All part of the service here, at Bloomin’ Faeries! 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

  4. lol, heather talking to herman and ignoring her brother albert. most guys would be happy if a big busted blond gave her utmost attention to their dick, albert is not one of them as it seems, but it could be because the big busted blond is his sister. the whole talking dick, herman thing reminds me of a movie in my native tongue where a highschool boy talks with his dick on a thought basis.

    1. The whole idea of a talking penis (and talking vagina) came to me from a story I heard about, where these oblivious teenagers were shy about having sex, but we (the audience) heard their genitals talk about wanting to sleep with one another.

      Never saw the movie, don’t know what it was, but it sounded like fun. I thought it’d make for some funny bits and decided to use it in this strip.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. the movie i am talking about, used the saying that man have a second brain in their pants as inspiration for the film. it was dumb but funny half of the film you see the maincharacter with a hard one and disgrace himself because of it in front of his whole class, his aunt, while peeping and so on.

    2. Believe it’s more about what they are talking about, and the fact that his sister has some sort of a prior connection or knowledge about Herman

  5. Heather cares about Herman as a person, not just as a penis.

    She’s a good sort at heart.

    1. Too bad that she doesn’t treat her own *brother* as a person though. It sort of evens out…

      1. Well… Albert was her bratty little brother who used her own hands against her…

      2. Well, in a curious case of inversion, Albert’s a dick. 🙂

      3. Name me one sister who in the history of baby brothers has ever done that

  6. Technically that wouldn’t be incest now….would it ? O.o

    1. Yes. Yes it would.

    2. It isn’t, unless you radically redefine what incest is.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. It’s attached to the brother, makes it part of the brother. Doing part of the brother (even if it has it’s own mind) is doing the brother, and that makes it incest.

        1. When did this become about doing the brother? She’s _talking_ to Herman, nothing more.

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. When Wowlock asked the question about incest, he introduced sex into the equation, which I took to mean would Heather having sex with Herman be incest or not since Herman is mentally a separate entity from Albert but not physically. I agree that talking to your brother’s penis is not incest, weird, but not incest. 🙂

        3. Wowlock seemed to be referring to what was going on in the strip, which isn’t incestuous. I’m not sure there’s cause to interpret his question otherwise, but if he was thinking of Heather having sex with Herman, that would be a different topic.

          “I’m doing it.”

        4. I took it the same way anifriek did, that Wow is suggesting that since its not really his penis, it wouldn’t be incest if the scene went a step further. But I could be wrong.

        5. Looks like you guys took it much further than I did.

          “I’m doing it.”

        6. I can’t help thinking of the expression “I wouldn’t do her with *your* member” at a time like this.

  7. I told you they’d only talk about one thing…

    1. You called it all right.

      “I’m doing it.”

  8. Just casual chat with another dickhead….

    1. Heather talking to a dickhead. Must be Tuesday. 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

  9. So, has Herman replaced Albert’s penis? Where then is Albert’s penis, and is IT having adventures of its own, hampered by its inability to speak?

    1. I think they’ve fused into one.

      1. Unless he’s the new Aidan. 😛

    2. Heh. “The Adventures of a Mute Penis.”

      1. Tag line for that story: Actions speak louder than words.

        1. Would give new meaning to the phrase: “Cum like a wet noodle”

  10. The next breakthrough will be when Herman attackes to the Princess and she discovers what it’s like..

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