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#0318: Undo

44 thoughts on “#0318: Undo

  1. Gasp!

    Marie just got a lot hotter all of a sudden.

    1. I dunno, her hair got shorter…

  2. the mirror was an elf?

    1. Yup.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. So was the elf affected by a curse or something to become a mirror?

        1. AHA! That finally explains the imagery in kid Attitude’s “joke”.

      2. I kind of thought that the Mirror looked like your rendition of an elf when you first showed one a few strips back, now its confirmed ^_^

        1. Actually, the first hint was almost a year ago, back when Heather (looking like the tall nun) was “trying out” different costumes…

          “I’m doing it.”

  3. Well, shit. Things are now really screwed up, and our loverly maid is… well, there’s a lot more of her, and I suspect that’s not what she wants.

  4. Wait! CTRL Z! CTRL Z!!!!

  5. Also, was the blanket over the mirror supposed to turn green?

  6. So does the wizard have his penis back?

    1. Ahh… that’s my new signature in another forum!

      “So does the wizard have his penis back?” – brilliant line!

  7. Either the wrong “reverse” spell, or too much “reverse” spell.

    1. The Phantom's Belch

      My guess is too much reverse spell.

      The wizard just reversed all the spells active in the room. Time will tell as to whether he affected all the spells in the castle/kingdom. *coughAlbertcoughNadiacough*

      Interesting to note he undid Thanification.

      1. Indeed. I wonder whether that means the Wizard / Sorceress is actually very powerful or just messed up spectacularly…

        1. Rodney the Paladin

          Why not both?

  8. So do we get an update on what happened to your site yesterday?

    1. It was a hosting problem. Talked to Jaycee on FB yesterday. Nothing he could do about it.

    2. Hosting service incompetence. All they had to do was restore the permissions on the site’s index.php file, but they didn’t seem to know how to do that.

      “I’m doing it.”

  9. I hope it’s only temporary, i prefer the sorcerer as the sorceress. She’s really cute.

    Also, the mirror was actually an elf?

  10. I’m really worried about Marie, now. I still remember the last time, before she’d been Thane-d, what happened when she lost what had been that brief taste of youth and beauty again. 🙁

    1. Hm. :-/ There is that. It’s a shame, too. She looks lovely…

  11. You really need to stop running multiple storylines at once. It makes it hard to keep up with what’s happening because you’re jumping between scenes all the time.

    1. It’s been bouncing a little more lately, but I generally try to do 2-3 Heather strips before inserting something off-topic.

      “I’m doing it.”

  12. Oh, my suspicions were justified.
    PS. Her breasts are larger than the original Mary, right?

    1. I… am not sure. Marie was always busty. Now the rest of her is just proportionate.

    2. Bewbs are about the same size as in panel one, ‘original Marie’ was a big girl

  13. Hmmm, this is what happens if you are not fully-specific about your spell: non-discriminatory Reverse spell (wonder who, and what, else was affected)

    1. The Phantom's Belch

      Baby needs her hunnybunz back!

      1. Ooo yeah, forgot about Baby, wonder if this reverse spell also countered Sir Thane and returned him to ‘normal’

        1. All depends on the counterspell’s range.
          Since Thane was stuck in that brothel for a month, though, I suspect that he, at least, was outside the area of effect.
          Just his (rotten) luck… Thane might almost kill for a chance at an effective dispel by now.

  14. Well, this is really crappy.

  15. I wonder if the Sorcerer just undid all the magic in the castle! Or the town!!

    Oh, dear….

  16. So am I the only one that assumed that Crystal has an aura/affect that weakens/negates Fairy magic?

    1. Only if she is a Crystal Spider

  17. My reaction to this strip was:
    “Game over! Do you want to play again?”

  18. !!!!!!!!OOOOOOOON !!!enog si ytuaeb yM

  19. Why did the counter spell style Marie’s hair?

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