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#142: Good Help Is Hard to Find

27 thoughts on “#142: Good Help Is Hard to Find

  1. Awww, I hope she gets a chance to get better because she is one of my fav.

  2. It’s so weird to me. Given the nature of BF you rarely see the dirty and naughty notions twisted around into something so harmless I think this might be the second thing given Attitude going from blonde to brunette. It’s funny, don’t get me wrong because I laughed but it threw me off as for it’s place in the BF world.

    1. Sometimes, I like to mix things up a little. 🙂


  3. It’s been so long since BF just made me laugh without reservation. ^^

  4. I’m failing to see the problem, here – they both did exactly what they were told to do. Thanks, Jaycee, excellent!

  5. Is hard help good to find?

  6. I wonder what our Prince has been up to. Haven’t seen that trouble maker in a while now… that cannot be a good thing.

  7. Weird I can’t seem to go back to the previous strip. It skips back to the nuns.

    1. Fixed. Sorry ’bout that.


  8. that facepalm is just epic.

    1. As is the confusion over which species Lucky thinks he is. Who (apart from a toddler) rides a dog?

      1. Halflings. And, depending on the size of the dog, older children, too.

        1. Fleas too.
          And sometimes ticks.

  9. Karma better be careful. First time she screws someone, the affects of the ption will pass on and she’ll be a meek little chamber maid again.

    1. Oh yes, waiting for that day with most antici… pation.

      No one else is as annoyed with how much of a bitch the red-haired has become? Just me? Well, burn her anyway

      1. Is that… Why yes, it is! A Rocky Horror Picture Show reference!!!


    2. Big question is does the potion even wear off or does it pass on from person to person like a sexual disease?

      1. So far, it passes on during coitus

        1. Yeah, it does look like it does pass around like a sexually transmitted disease. I wonder if Lucky can get the potion effect again if Karma sleeps with him again.

    3. I don’t know, looking back at her first appearance – I don’t think she was ever little. Plus – it’s only passed on once, so that hardly a pattern makes. When the wizard said the potion was unstable and would be transferred through sex – that transfer may have stabilized the magic

  10. LOL
    (Chuckling at the literal interp by an clean and honest maid.)

    I loved this!

  11. yay everyone has fun!

  12. Boobie high five!

  13. You wouldn’t think it would be possible to misinterpret
    a telepathic command.

    1. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)

      Maybe it’s not a misinterpretation. Maybe that’s not a facepalm in the last panel but an epic pose like in the second panel.

      1. M’fraid Jayessell has it right — it’s a facepalm.


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