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#143: Disposable

28 thoughts on “#143: Disposable

  1. Ouch, but he should be happy. Not in trouble and got to bang the princess.

    1. Yeah, he should have plenty to be happy over. He’s back to his normal form, got to bang the princess, and didn’t get in trouble. He might still be a bit heart broken over it though.

      Still, it gets me to think of a question. If the fairy was willing to help Marie get her sexy form back to make her happy, will she help the lurker score with Heather again? I can see that happening as it would also show the fairies also help people and not just cause sexual chaos.

    2. It never was about banging. “Your satisfaction is my only desire” is the telling line. The man’s a romantic.

      1. He’s a lurker/stalker who got closer/further than he ever imagined he would get (guess sniffing her bedclothes won’t be the same now)

  2. Awh what an awful way to end it :c

    1. But perfectly typical of Heather.

  3. We already know the fairies are not actually evil. Remember that this whole comic began with Thane doing what inspired his well-deserved curse. While they enjoy a good chuckle over embarrassing the bigger folk, they do seem aware of hurt feelings, and they have a well-developed (albeit puckish) sense of justice.

    Marie (the most obviously “good” person in the strip) has been on the good side of their magic at least three times now (her original beautification and romp with the up-aged Albert, Albert’s hasty removal from the scene before the spells could wear off and things turn unpleasant, and her restoration after they saw how unhappy she was at turning frumpy again after that). Baby (who has also never delivered an injustice that we’ve been aware of) has also benefited from the general magical atmosphere that now pervades the kingdom.

    On the other hand, Heather (the most unpleasant human in these parts) has gotten her comeuppance time and time again for the selfishness that she may never learn to overcome, the lurker has been slapped down more than once as retribution for his lurking ways, and opportunistic Lucky has had his arm broken and is currently reduced to something slightly less than human.

    1. I’d suggest that not all fairies are evil, but some are.
      Look at the blonde creepling that permanently transformed the Wizard; she’s a nasty piece of work.
      Look at the Unknown Fairie from the blogs — if you still can. What she did to Morgan is messed up!
      What was done to Thane is well in excess of his crime; so is what was done to his horse. As for Lucky… It wasn’t a faerie that broke his arm, and his devolution into subhuman is, ultimately, the work of the blonde faerie – who is shaping up to be one of the nastier specimens of her kind.

    2. “albeit puckish”… Pun intended I assume?

      1. Not intended: making the pun in the first place.
        Intended: leaving it in when I realized what I’d said.

    3. How soon you forget that it wasn’t the faeries who made Marie look good this last time, it was Thane, who was hiding there after being chased by that orc, er what was her name again?

      1. Baby

        And how soon you forget that it was Faerie Prime who made Thane who he is today

  4. That’s Heather all over. Selfish brat… And yet, she still doesn’t deserve all the crap she’s been forced to endure.

  5. What a heart breaker…! I don’t think I’d be all that interested in a young woman, no matter how pretty, who did not like to cuddle… even just a little! lol!

    All passion and no feeling… ah well.

    1. If he had kept his curves, he might have gotten the cuddle, as it is he is just a walking vibrator

      1. Nah. Heather is a “boink ’em and leave ’em”-type of gal. She’s like a typical one night stand-man, except she’s a pretty girl…

  6. “I was used… Woo hoo! I WAS USED!”

    1. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)

      that’s from that one movie….what was it called? maybe if i hadn’t been trying to sleep while everyone was watching it i’d remember….

      1. American Pie?

        1. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)

          Ya know, I wanted to say that, but it didn’t sound right for some reason….and on that note, happy Pi Day =O

  7. Heather has some sweet abs in panel 1.

    1. Not as sweet as Spinny has

      1. disagree

        1. Seriously? Have you seen the girl abs on Spinns? Obviously not as this Heather has nothing on that Heather

        2. Maybe Teerack prefers girl abs a little softer? *shrug*

  8. Happy Ending.

  9. The facial expression work on this one is particularly nice.

  10. my mind compels me to point out that lucky’s current predicament is due a ‘wish’ of Karma’s. but hey, at least he got to rear-end her first. 😛

    and while on the topic…how would getting a good ride(sexually) be a lesson to be learned from running into someone? ‘smack head with someone, get an orgasm’? 🙂

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