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Fact Sheet #008

27 thoughts on “Fact Sheet #008

  1. So this means that anyone can understand him and his ‘voice’ isn’t just Thane’s psychosis manifesting itself (if Thane didn’t have Gus, his mirror would be the one talking to him :P)

    1. Well, we already saw him talk to Baby. She didn’t respond, but she was bawling her eyes out at the time, as I recall.

  2. this doesn’t make sense.
    earlier it has been established faery curses are not permanent.
    now you start to explain that many more or less major characters are permanently affected by faes? *the sound of lore being torn*

    1. Just remember, Thane is still under a faerie curse. Guess it depends on the curse

    2. I once wrote a lengthy piece in the members area about the duration of faerie magic. In a nutshell, some spells can last a VERY long time (decades, even) before losing their potency.


      1. Meaning they can outlast the victim’s lifespan…

      2. I would presume that faerie curses are crafted magically, and can be designed to replenish themselves under certain circumstances (like the bell ringing refreshes it, or having sex replenishes it, or whatever)

        1. It wouldn’t work that way. Spells are self powered and just get weaker over time, until they break/revert. The decay rate can vary wildly, but the only way to replenish a spell is to cast it again.

          Well, that’s the enteral rule anyway.


  3. Sad back story 🙁

  4. So Gustav needed to be “hung like a horse” in order to satisfy the ladies? I guess he wasn’t as skillful with his tongue as Jaycee would have us believe…

    That aside, I feel disappointed at this turn of events. Having BF faeries turn people into animals casts them in a stereotypical light. I’d rather have their magic be limited to sexual shenanigans. It makes them more original and meshes better with the rest of the story.

    1. Human Gustav was all talk, no walk, with his tongue…

    2. This curse could still be considered ‘sexual shenanigans’

      1. That depends on whether Gustav meets any mares… or women like Katherine the Great. *blghk!*

  5. I misread that as ‘he was born to TWO women’ at first. I was wondering whether the faeries enabled parthenogenesis… ^^;

    ‘The faerie was kind’… My hairless rump. =_= If she’d been kind, she would have hit him with a temporary transformation, not a permanent one.

    On an unrelated sidenote, the advertisements to the right of the comments are getting rather… extreme again. What happened to getting rid of those, please? ^_^*

    1. Depends on how long Faeries live for, so to them, a decades long curse could still be considered ‘temporary’ (not their fault the lifespan of the victim expires before the curse does)

  6. Perhaps it’s just me but he doesn’t seem so discontent with his curse as some of the others we have seen especially given what was done to him and for how long.

    Is he happy as a horse? Has he met some women such as Gallstone suggested. And thanks to that Catherine the Great comment all I can say to that is ‘Don’t flinch!’

    1. I really hope he hasn’t, because that particular ‘kink’ is just… Yuck.

      1. And of course, it is more than likely just a slanderous story told to blacken the reputation of a once-powerful monarch.

        1. I thought the truth was really she really liked her horse and did a lot of things for it but not that.

  7. Okay, Gus is 29, is that in human or horse years? and how long ago was he transformed/cursed (again, in human or horse years)?

  8. this page doesnt even show up for me

    1. none of the fact sheets or guest strips are working still, I believe Jaycee is still working on that issue.

  9. I need to fix this, sorry for the delay.


  10. Just trying to be helpful by pointing these out. Comic strip image missing

  11. *cough cough* dusts it off, hmm, still ineligible, Jaycee, where’s that Faerie magic to be able to read these again?

  12. comic page missing, like all fact sheets 🙁

  13. I ask myself if we’ll ever see Gustav uncursed – or at least in human form. So far his current form seems to have also acted as a sort of shield against all the faerie sexual shenanigans.

    What might be one of his reasons for being ok with the horse form.

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