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Guest Strip by Navarro/Cabrera (PortalComic)

37 thoughts on “Guest Strip by Navarro/Cabrera (PortalComic)

  1. 🙁

    1. Why the sad?!?

      1. Because no comic strip.

  2. Looks like that ‘faerie expert’ is getting sidetracked rather badly.

    That seems like a rather difficult position… Both those women appear rather strained.

  3. I know that we see a lot of NSFW stuff on here but for some reason this seems much more so than usual.

    1. Not complaining

    2. It is, I admit, but not because of what’s depicted. It’s what it hints at (i.e. what goes on in our head) that makes it NSFW+.


      1. Um. What the heck is that on the princess’ nipple? I thought it was gleaming oddly at first, and now it looks as if the nipple is an attachment of some sort…?

        1. Just a case of very puffy nipples. 😛


        2. It looks like a puffy, pinkish miniature hubcap. o_o

    3. Yeah not complaining just saying.

      Hmm I thought that I had added that on to my original post. Oh well now I don’t feel like a prude about it.

      @Gallstone- Honestly I thought it was a piercing or one of those kink devices at first glance.

      1. That’d be a pretty bad kink. ^^; If I look at it the right way (or rather, the wrong way), it looks as if the nipple has little metal bands that go around it and into the flesh of the breast…

  4. New form of NOW KISS, MUAHAHAHA

    1. Kissie-kissie with the nether-lips, much approve 😀

  5. Lurker Marie or real Marie with the princess?

    1. Not marie or lurker.

      1. Its the fairy expert

        1. Evidently she’s not enough of an expert…

        2. You saying the only reason for the FE and HPH to be in this position is because of the faeries?

        3. The members portal comic suggests as such.

        4. When was the last time anyone in this continuity (outside the blog) had sex WITHOUT direct or indirect faerie interference? ^^; Oh, right: Heather and Albert’s parents.

        5. So that’s the Faeries’ ecological niche in the BFverse, keeping the human race from going extinct.

        6. LOL. What a lovely idea: that we might be a species without libido, a biological anomaly that was “fixed” by the faeries. From the size of my porn stash (and what’s actually available on the internet), I think the little buggers are working overtime to keep us alive. 😉


        7. JC, keeping us alive? An estimated 7 billion people is hard to take out.

        8. I was just following the premise (that the faeries are why we’re having sex). Drop our libido to 0% and we’re gone in a single generation. 🙂


        9. Not… necessarily. Even without a libido, humans would want to survive and pass stuff down to their descendants. It would be possible to artificially inseminate women with sperm that was extracted from men’s testes, even if no one involved was aroused.

        10. Yeah, but that’s not as good a story, methinks. I’m sticking to Lurker’s idea. 🙂


        11. Oh, I agree the idea is amusing. ^^ Just saying we wouldn’t go extinct if the little stinkbugs slacked off for a bit.

  6. The colouring in this is fantastic! And the poses great too 😉 Nice change from the strips!

    1. Forgive the shameless plug (a writer’s gotta make a living, after all), but there’s more of that in the members’ area. 🙂


  7. That’s hot as hell, Jaycee! 8D

    1. Thanks. I think so too. *^_^*


      P.S.: if hell is hot like that, I hope I don’t go to heaven. 😉

  8. Why is the princess rubbing her coochie against that other lady’s butthole?

    1. Well, you know, it’s not the International Space Station. They don’t have eyes or sensors down there to make a perfect docking, hm? 😉


    2. Actually, the position is correct.

      1. Are you, um, speaking from a, ah, position of authority? 😉


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