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#57: I’m Sorry…

37 thoughts on “#57: I’m Sorry…

  1. Adorable, but…what’s with the bunny ears? Just random Faerie tomfoolery?

    1. Faeries like for the punking…

      1. I meant to write “live”. They LIVE for the punking.

  2. Aww poor sexy maid. We’ll miss you.

  3. I speculate that the Faerie may be considering a “Human for a day” spell on the mirror.

    1. Nah, i think she’s enjoying the mirror freaking out.

  4. I seem to recall there’s a beneficial side effect for women in Sir Thane’s curse, so there may yet be hope for Marie’s makeover. *crosses fingers*

    I do wish the mirror luck in getting this little predicament resolved, though!

    1. That would require them to make the two-backed beast together first, though.

      1. Saw that, yes. And would it be a fair price to retain her beauty?

        1. That depends entirely on how genuine her affections towards Albert’s adult form are. If he really is her -love-, then sleeping with someone with the intent of becoming a hot girl again is a betrayal of that love. If it happens under the influence of the faerie curse, it’s debatable – but she might be a mite upset once the effect wears off.

          Of course, even if Marie manages to secure her current nubile form, there’s the wee problem that Albert is really a little boy. Any effective method of maintaining Albert’s adult form would effectively be robbing him of several years of his lifespan.

  5. If it isn’t going to last,
    Get the prince out of there fast.
    If you’re made out of glass,
    You better cover your ass.

  6. Well, it’s good to know that the mirror has standards. I guess the mirror too was duped by the faerie.

    Still, i don’t think the mirror will be able to clean this up completely.

    1. At least it’s trying to, which is important. It’s not entirely off the hook, but at least it’s not letting matters become too horrific.

  7. I think the Mirror is being very sweet. She could’ve been really mean and let them have an “Errr, this is TOTALLY beyond awkward and creepy”. I love the Mirror.

  8. “Well, it’s good to know that the mirror has standards.”

    Agreed, this goes to show she is ok.

    1. She? Mirror’s a she? I thought I’d been careful in keeping the Mirror’s gender unspecified… Did I slip somewhere without meaning to? 😛


      1. I think most of us just assumed the mirrors a she. It also doesn’t feel right to call the mirror “it” since the mirror is sentient.

        Did you intend the mirror as a “she”? Or did we get that wrong?

        1. Its face -does- look a little like the mask of Harlequin.

        2. Jakob: yes. 🙂


        3. Cool.

          Was there a reason you were keeping it unspecific? Or is that something you can’t say yet?

      2. I could be mistaken, but the mirror’s appearance reminds me of a female more then a male… Still its a sentient object and not a person, so it is technically genderless. Though people do tend to name things ‘she’ like ships and such.

      3. Actually, the Mirror’s features look decidedly feminine, IMHO. The wrapping around the face plus the initial decor of the frame hint at long, wavy locks of hair. To me, at least.

        And aww for poor Prince Albert. He’s such a sweetie…and I have to admit, “Toight” is all right. : )

  9. but but but but…..

    ….the maid! She is full of sad! Look at that disappointed face.

    Poor maid :'(

    1. Cut it out, THTH, now you’re making ME sad! :'(


    2. To be fair, the mirror did it so the maid wouldn’t get in trouble.

  10. Sorry, kid, but you’ll thank her for this when you’re back to normal.

  11. Jayceeeeee, make it happy again! Love and sex and ponies with rainbows on their butts!

    *sniff* I can’t bear to look at that disappointed face 🙁 you can talk sense and reason, but my PMS only sees sad.

    1. I hear ya, I see the sad too, now.

      I think you’re a few days away from being VERY upset with me…


      1. ?_? well, crap. I’ll just make up an alternate reality in the privacy of my head then.
        Aside from that, much like to the comic.

  12. I like that Marie’s hat stayed on the whole time but Albert’s crown seems to have been bucked off.

  13. As I posted last time, there is a way. It will require Sir Thane’s “curse”, then the standard fable, “sleep til waken by a true lover’s kiss”, which, if need be can be provided by one of the magical players of the game.

    1. I love you 🙂

    2. You are forgetting the fact that the prince would still be a kid. So they can’t be together anyway.

      Besides, this was magic induced lust, not love.

      1. Depends if the Sleeping Beauty-esque spell is suspended animation or not as to him being a kid having relevance. At least to me.

      2. Jake, where are all your romantic glands? You say lust, I say lookit that cute disappointed face! She wouldn’t look so disappointed from mere lust.

        And besides, the spell aged the prince mentally and physically, so if you can do it once, you can do it again… And it gets easier every time you do it, according to the Great Pterry.

  14. i always thought the mirror was male because of alot of its ideas when the princess was first having difficulties and in making the made Polish him lol

  15. Oh, and least we not forget, she may have a Royal Heir “in the oven” as it were. He is the eldest son, afterall.

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