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#63: Nope, Still Cursed

31 thoughts on “#63: Nope, Still Cursed

  1. censorship horse is funny

  2. Heh. So the curse only affects humans. That’s good to know.

    1. Yeah…. good.

      (No 8 foot tall busty green supermodels this week?)

    2. At least he didn’t discover it’s effectiveness limit ‘in the act’ as I feared he might.

    3. its not human only, it worked on dwarves.

  3. I feel so sorry for the non-traditionally pretty characters. 🙁

    1. Seconded. He could have spent a -little- more time apologizing to Baby for his rudeness, at the very least!

    2. what is considered beauty by one race doesn’t necessary follow is considered beauty to another race – she might be the most beautiful ork in ork standards

  4. Guess Orks aren’t affected by Thane’s lust curse…can’t be sure if the beauty effect would work either…

  5. Mother of god… he’s holding onto the comic panel for support.
    That must be one awesome SHARED BEER if he’s breaking the fourth wall to enjoy it.

    1. How long has it been sense he’s had a good f-(TUG) sense his last sexual encounter. It must have been so long that has built up enough pent up strength for him to break free of the borders.

      Hate to see how much more he can break out of when he enters a nunnery.

  6. You know, the woman currently engaging in fellatio with Thane already looks fairly aesthetic, albeit somewhat overbalanced in the chest. What’s the ‘beautifying’ magic in his semen going to do to her? õ_o

    1. …clearly the world will implode from the lady’s sexyness O.o ’twill be a sweet, sweet death.

      On a completely unrelated note, bad form for not letting us in some hot orc booty.

      1. It ain’t over until the fat (ork) lady sings. Literally. 😉


        1. I already pitied poor Baby. Your comments now make me want to run in, scoop her up and get her out of that doomed city at once.

        2. o.O singing orc…..

          YAY! Happines invades my life like a… similes fail me. But there’s rainbows and unicorns shitting cupcakes! Now I kinda wish it was update time already…

  7. JustAnotherCommenter

    I’m just wondering if the Ork lady does have sex with him, what she will look like after.
    If she becomes ravishingly beautiful by ORK standards, does that necessarily mean she’ll become awesomely hot by Human ones?

    1. HUUUUUGE Boobies! 🙂

      1. Mate, I like you 😀 Always focus on what’s important!

        1. Well, what else would Ork males look for ? 🙂

        2. Iono, long legs, to chase people with, good grip on club, size and number of human skulls around her neck…
          No reason to think Ork males resemble human males in their preferences 😉

        3. Well, since Ork females are fairly shaped like human females, it should stand to reason that in general the Ork males will have similar tastes. Though they may prefer slender tusks over the stubby ones that Baby has, they should still be interested in boobies.

          Offcourse, Baby already have big boobs, so maybe I’m wrong !
          Much bigger than any normal human being too … heck, even bigger than a big bust model like Denise Milani.

          hrmm …. long legs, huh ?

        4. If the common stereotypes about Orcs run true, then I’d say what an Orc man looks for in an Orc woman is strength, endurance, fertility and possibly an obedient nature and loyal character. She can work hard for a long time, bear lots of babies, and her hubby won’t have to worry that the kids aren’t his.

          However, if we add a dash of reality, what an Orc man should hope for is strength, endurance, fertility, a loyal character and tolerance. She can work hard for a long time, can have lots of babies, her hubby won’t have to worry they’ll be another man’s kids, and she won’t beat him up too badly too often if he ticks her off. :p

  8. From boobies to social commentary. Only on BloomingFaeries! 😉
    And, come to think of it, if we take fertility in account, big boobs were always linked to fertility. So all our arguments are valid. Long live the boobs!

    1. Yeah, I’m always surprised at the depth of some conversations here, considering the nature of this webcomic.

      Go figure. 😛


      1. What, us doctoral-type people can’t be naughty? 😉
        I’d argue we’re even more naughty…you should see some of the uni staff meetings.

      2. You inspire the best in us !

        …. boobies. 🙂

        1. Sheela, I want to take you home and love you and squeeze you and pet you and… 😀

        2. ack … you’re gonna call me George, aren’t ya ?

  9. i am fantasizing about the next comic..
    how about the wench getting even prettier, enticing the orc-babe to come onto her and kiss her. (cause the only reason why she did not jump sir thane was that she is only interested in women.) so that then we end up with a very hot orc-babe (after the kiss) kissing the already-hot-but-now-even-hotter-beer wench

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