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#82: Cooking For Dummiez (and Orkz)

24 thoughts on “#82: Cooking For Dummiez (and Orkz)

  1. Baby, baby, baby. Oooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

  2. Well it looks like Baby’s story has a happy ending after all!

    1. I agree, Baby got something good out of the curse. 🙂

  3. LOL
    Oh yeah,.. That was BETTER than I expected.
    “Me Luvs Cooking.”

    I had to explain my over loud “HA” when I read this one

    Props – JayCee,… Keep her coming (Pun intended)

  4. I really don’t know how to feel about this right now… o_o

  5. I just did a spit-take of epic proportions at this webcomic. 🙂 I still wanna see a full body shot of Baby. 😉

    1. Yeah, I was thinking about doing a sketch myself. What’s the policy on fan-art here?

      1. There’s no policy, really. You can go ahead and draw what you want. I’d love it if there was some kind of link to the comc, though, but that’s optional.


  6. I’m guessing the portion of the curse that makes women horny affects Baby now since Thane finds her attractive now.

    Of course it gets me wondering if the curse becomes permanent on a woman that sleeps with Thane too much.

  7. Great. Now she’s turned into Rachael Ray.

  8. How come Baby’s so short now? It would have been awesome if she stayed 7ft tall and was super sexy, I thought the last strip with her in it was a perspective thing and she was still really tall.

  9. What is wrong with this guy? Now she has the body he wishes she’d have, now he doesn’t want her?! Can’t wait for the explanation next week.

    1. Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure he wants her. But the thing is that I think she is now affected by the lust part of the spell now that Thane finds her attractive.

      With other women, Thane was able to run away after they were exhausted and had their fill. But Baby obviously has greater stamina than those other women and/or is able to overpower Thane even when exhausted.

      The big thing is that I think he is worried about dying from exhaustion from too much sex.

    2. Google these four words to understand, Death by Snoo Snoo

  10. Ñow that’s what I call a recipe for success. Or at least excess.

  11. Yes, I hope Baby is so tall Thane’s face is in her chest when they stand…. Or when they’re NOT standing!

    She/He/They can’t overdose on that curse…?

  12. Okay, I’ve got something more to say: Thane’s semen may make females prettier by human standards, but it clearly doesn’t make ’em smarter.

    1. Well, people in the BFverse aren’t very smart to start with. 😉

  13. How come Baby’s so short now?

    Look at the thing Thane is strapped to and the distance between them. Pretty sure he is being propped off the floor by a good foot or two.

  14. Baby baby hit me one more time. hehe.

  15. Might’ve made her a tad too skinny. A girl can have a little muscle and still be beautiful. Hope you didn’t make her any shorter at least.
    So when do we get to see her face?

    1. Maybe the artist is having trouble making Baby NOT look like the Sensational She-Hulk.

  16. Tsk.
    (Society and it’s moral hypocrisy)

  17. no new episode this week?

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