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#97: Missing the Obvious

23 thoughts on “#97: Missing the Obvious

  1. I’m not the only one seeing this right? Panel 3 she’s bigger, than in panel 1. But it seems like everything is bigger.

  2. Yup, you’re right. It’s a zoom in. 🙂


    1. I was more along the lines of questioning an expansion related to the beer.
      panel 4 has some motion lines in the *ahem* right places.

      1. No expansion, look at where the pint comes up to in relation to her right (viewer’s left) boob. Panel 3 the pint is not smaller, the camera is just closer in.

      2. I see what you mean. But no, she’s not getting bigger when wet, it’s just her boobs jiggle a bit when she moves (‘cuz they’re all natural, y’know?). 🙂


        1. In other words, the correct answer to this is :

          Boobies ! 😀

    2. Ahhh. Was thinking of Slimy Thief and her expanding when wet. Phew. (Pref on the smaller side mesef)

      Looks like Baby’s worries gonna be more how to be alone, once she realizes she has a potential harem and tires of it. ;]

  3. I’d say that is a concern she will lose very, very soon.

    I do wonder about Baby’s past. Was she bullied by her human peers? Accepted? Even loved? Was she adopted by human parents as a tiny baby due to unfortunate circumstances with her birth family? Was she exiled from her Orc tribe? Did she come looking for work in the big city?

  4. All those “gentlemen” are in for a wild ride. Orcs aren’t excatly gentle when drunk. And Baby like her men tied up and available when She wants them to be.

    1. On the upside, they aren’t cursed like Thane, so she won’t be able to ‘utilize’ them for too long on end.

    2. Or when sober.

    3. Gentle? Her version of gentle sober is picking up a man by his “sword” and tying them to a rack with a whip on her hip. Not sure if she knows that word to be honest. But that’s what makes Baby so great! She hurts men cause she “Luvs” them so much.

  5. Just joined and my first thought was “Need more ‘Baby!'” so thank you!

    Has anyone wondered where she got that incredible outfit from? She was originally too big for it so I am curious as to the poor dominatrix’s jaw she broke to steal that outfit, whip, and sex rack from.

    Speaking of her “rack” great job on the panel!

    When Baby was first introduced in the comic after her beautification, was I the only one that was reminded of the scene from the film “Real Men” when James Belushi’s character was with the dominatrix?

  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if the curse could also change clothing. I mean it is magic after all.

    1. I know there doesn’t have to be a logical explanation for it but it was a funny thought of how she went out to find accessories to use on Thane.

  7. Now if only she had red hair…

    1. There’s a funny story about that…
      Roddenberry watched the scene and she was’t green. “Make her greener.” The film of the retake came back and she still wasn’t green. “Make her greener!” Meanwhile the guy in the film processing department couldn’t understand why he had to color correct that scene again.

  8. trying to get an orc shitfaced? HA! good luck with that.

    1. Easiest thing in the world .. just park a lot of beer in front of it. 😀

      1. And repeat 2000 times, or until you’re out of cash.

  9. Don’t do this to her please.

    1. Well, for all that they are apparently trying to get her drunk enough to be easy pickings, this plan may backfire the moment she realizes that they’re replacements for her little sausage machine.

      While I do not advocate trying to get a low-self-esteem woman drunk in the real world for purposes of “seduction” while she’s impaired, because that’s a jerk thing to do, an eight-foot-tall orc with a very high sexual appetite may be a different story.

      The “okayness” does depend on viewer knowledge that these fellows don’t have, though. Which is why I do rather hope they find the tables turned in a most evil way. (If she ties each one to a table or chair, perhaps she can just rotate around them and they’ll recover by the time she gets back to them…)

  10. Is the bar owner happy because of Baby’s babies or because of all of the beer he’s selling?

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