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#98: Dream Girl

26 thoughts on “#98: Dream Girl

  1. @3@ MUST…STEAL…..POTION!!!!!

    PS: Nice Job

    1. To use on a friend or yourself?

      1. I’d steal it to use on myself. The booooobs.

      2. Maybe for both purposes >:3

      3. I’d use it on myself and be a lesbian. And I would also try to find the potion that not only gives my a cock, but also allow me to still keep the vagina, safely hidden behind my balls.

  2. Huh, and wait another WEEK for the BOOBS!

  3. What do you know, Heather can be nice. She thought Albert was doing something Pervy to “her” and came to her rescue. And hey, at least “she” can be close to Heather now……though not how “she” wanted.

    1. > What do you know, Heather can be nice. She thought Albert was doing something Pervy to “her” and came to her rescue.

      Let’s not confuse being anti-Albert with being pro-anyone-else…
      But I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she can be compassionate when no palace intrigue is involved.

      > And hey, at least “she” can be close to Heather now……though not how “she” wanted.

      Depends on how “close” we’re talking about.

      1. Yeah, but Heather does seem concern that the Prince was doing something to this woman she’s never seen. Especially since her boobs are popping out of her clothes, so it’s easy to see why Heather might assume Alber did something.

  4. I am more surprised by Heather actually seeming to care for another person than by this transformation…

    1. Yeah, it seems she was concern that Albert was doing something like what he did to her(And technically he did do something). Maybe she doesn’t like the thought of Albert putting other women to what he put her throug? Nice to see a kind side to her really. Maybe “She” will become friends with Heather…. kinda granting his earlier wish.

  5. “GAAAAAH! I’m BLACK!”

    “Oh… And this too!”

    1. I don’t think he minds having darker skin, boob thing is probably the bigger issue.

      1. Or just, I dunno… being a WOMAN??? 😉


        1. I’m with Jax. In the picture the Lurker (me?) is staring at his breasts, he may not yet had noticed any changes to other body parts.
          (Which, given the ample size and high angle of said breasts in question, may be hard to notice due to blocked field of vision).

          A hand-grabs-crotch maneuver is commonly used to remove all doubt.

        2. Anything special planned for #100 ?

        3. Kinda. No huge event, just something… nice. 🙂


    2. I think as the title suggests, the potion turned the drinker into the prince’s “dream girl” (the castle maid when she was hot) or as close to it as possible. This is my take on why she has new skin tone and boobs. Speaking of the maid, cannot wait to see how Thane “helps” her become her dream self again.

      1. I think #1 Thane Fan has the right idea. ‘She’ is a bit darker-skinned than the Lurker originally was. And ‘she’ does resemble Marie in her hot version a wee bit. That’s probably why Albert was drooling so much.

    3. To me it just looks like a latino drank the potion and is now a latina.

  6. Didn’t I call it?

  7. I was kidding!
    Of course it’s being a woman that most concerns ‘him’.


    It’s a little odd that except for the chest area, his clothes morphed to the proper size for the woman he became.

    1. Maybe it was a part of the fantasy?

  8. on a side note: either his clothes where very cheap or that potion numbs the pains of ripping through fabric with nothing more than… firm yet soft but ample measures *drool*

  9. Heather has had a tough week? so I guess she’s feeling friendly

    1. She’s had her bell rung all day.

      In fact, just a few minutes ago.

      Still in a good mood probably.

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