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#126: If Wishes Were Horses

24 thoughts on “#126: If Wishes Were Horses


  2. ‘Sweet’? Just because I can understand Heather blowing up at the Maries under these circumstances, does not mean I’m going to let that pass! Heather’s about as sweet as bile.

    I doubt wishing is going to undo that potion’s effects…

  3. No! She must stay a girl forever! D:

  4. Things said with a faery and a magic mirror in the room… I wonder if either is a futanari fan (just saying because this is always how it starts before someone pops up out of nowhere). Or is there any chance that this potion has any unstable side effects such as the transference or certain parts wear off first. Either way fun for all involved, mainly us.

    1. Was just thinking that, and Faux Marie/LurkHer is probably about to feel something growing between her fingers soon 😛

  5. Re “Wish you were a man”
    Does this mean that the joy ride is over?

    1. Well, it’s a bit early to tell, but I can safely say that the character lasted far beyond the original intent.


      1. Well, it depends who grants the wish.

        If it’s the faerie, we can assume that the potion only had an immediate effect and the arc comes to its logical conclusion.

        Otherwise, the potion may still be active in the system, and possibly stay so for a while, which leaves the possibility of revisiting the character at a later time for additional misadventures.

        Either way, we learn something about the nature of the potion.

  6. Something tells me some wishes are about to be granted!

    1. Yup, thing(s) are about to start growing soon 🙂

    2. Yeah, it’s not recommended to state wishes aloud in the vicinity of these faeries.

  7. hottest comic to date!

    1. Can I ask why? (And thanks! 😉 )


      1. DAT ASS !!

        1. Actually, I’m more into breasts. But to answer your question: hello, girl on girl!

  8. Note the ‘magical transference’ going on in panel one. The fairy and mirror might not have anything to do with what might be ‘coming up’ next for Princess Heather.

    1. No, that ‘magi-ference’ is just what happens when the hands are being controlled by the Faerie/Mirror duo (does the Mirror have a name yet? if not, can it be ‘Mira’?)

  9. The real question is whether the faux Marie was the one that made the exit from the room and the real Marie is with the princess.
    In which case there could be some interesting consequences of the wish 🙂

    1. I don’t think the real Marie would call Heather her ‘sweet princess’ unless she had some serious desires for her buried deep in her.

      1. The real Marie wasn’t wearing a headscarf, the Marie formerly known as Lurker was. Original Marie has wisely left the room, whereas MFAL is stuck with horny Heather…

  10. Beg your pardon, that should have been MFKAL.

  11. “If Wishes Were Horses” Gustav would have them both?

  12. As the lurker’s transformation was potion based, wishes
    should have no effect.
    It’s like typing in a Google search without first positioning the
    cursor. No effect.

  13. Dickgirl incoming ?

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