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Bloomin’ Faeries! #354

48 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #354

  1. well damn, that would explain why she was crying a while back

    1. Yes. But why would she feel that way?

      I have to hand it to the author: I did NOT see this coming. At all. It’s interesting!

      1. Probably because this crush won’t end well.

        1. MidnightDStroyer

          Well, according to prevailing legends & lore, I’d have to agree. every time one of the fae actually falls in love with a human, the end result is usually worse than a deliberate curse.

          Just exactly how that happens & the actual result comes about is what the various legends describe anyway. In other words, Crystal’s individual mileage may vary…

  2. Run, Mirror Elf lady, RUN!

    Well… this is new. 0_ò

  3. I just, wow, I am just unsure how to express how good I think this story been.

  4. I guess Crystal falls in love and moves on or something to upset the gnat in the future or something.

    1. Or more likely, Crystal takes advantage of her.

      1. Or more likely, “Spunky” still curses Crystal.

  5. unrequited love?

  6. WHAT! Crystal should be hammered from pillar to post.

  7. Stockholm syndrome, pure and simple.

  8. That ?! is Fae-speak for WTF?

  9. An explanation is in order. It usually takes more than a couple of hours, most of which were spent under a charm, to realize that you “truly love” someone.

    Even though I have taken upon myself to advocate on Crystal’s behalf, I can find nothing in the preceding strips to warrant such a development. She denigrated Autumn’s breasts, gave her a demeaning nickname and even admitted that she was forced to love her.

    So unless there is something I am missing (like the charm having a permanent residual effect on Autumn, for instance) this true love moment really stretches the credibility.

    1. The thing that is missing, is that Autumn and Crystal are kindred spirits

      1. That is a very astute observation.

        “I’m doing it.”

  10. Whatta revoltin’ development this is.
    I agree 100% with Lurker, without explanation this is some powerful plot armor at work. I mean, have we even seen evidence that faeries are capable of loving a human? There’s certainly no chance for intimacy, unless they use magic to shrink/grow. And it’s cross-species, which aside from Afghani goat herders is usually a non-starter.

    1. Well, consider faerie-friends, those who do a faerie such a phenomenal service that the faerie binds herself to that individual by sharing her true name.
      So the capacity does exist. Now we just need a reason…

  11. Migraine Maldetete

    Definitely did not see that as a possibility– and no probability at all. Huh–?!

  12. I seriously wonder what ”love-worthy” thing Crystal have ever done for Autumn to love her for real… I mean Heather would be 10 times more fitting considering what they’ve been through but this whole Crystal suddenly earning her ”true love” sounds way too stretch. Just can’t see myself accepting it as a fact this fast.

    1. May be a cliché, but you can’t help who you fall in love with, only how you respond

  13. Makes sense Busty crying when remembering this: she may be an immortal Faerie, but Crystal is a mortal hyu-mon, best scenario is that Crystal changes her ways and they spend a few decades being happy, but eventually Busty will have to say goodbye, just like in “Highlander”

  14. So she shouldn’t get payback because you’re in love all of a sudden?

    Fuck you and the fairy wings you flew in on.

  15. Migraine Maldetete

    Love comes in many colors and flavors. You can love without being “in” love with someone. Many long Intersting to see how this plays out.term friendships may hold more love than for relatives- or even spouses. 😛

  16. Just goes to show, when you choose to be a creator and put your stuff out there, you’re going to please some people, displease others. My take on it: I tell the story I want to tell, and let those who enjoy that stick around.

    It’s all one can do, right?

    “I’m doing it.”

    1. You’ve given no reason for your audience to like or even understand Crystal, why should they accept this turn of events?

      You spent the last several weeks (months?) devoting your comic to a new and thoroughly unpleasant character whose only purpose seemed to be to dump on established ones and then you go out of your way to irritate your readers more by ensuring that not only does nothing bad happen to her, but one of the main characters loves her for no reason.

      Getting overly defensive, refusing to accept valid criticism, and telling people “I’ll do what I want, if you don’t like it, leave” is childish, immensely unprofessional and frankly baffling for someone who runs a membership service and is (presumably) trying to make money.

      1. A great number of creators who have been in this business consistently ignore audience comments. Some don’t even have a comment section at all. Almost all of them boil it down to: it creates too much noise and interferes with the quiet place you need to be in to write properly.

        The reason I’ve kept a comments section is because it’s (so far) been a civilized place on the internet. It’s generated some fascinating conversations on sexuality and helped shed some light on some misconceptions people have had about certain topics. I certainly never expected that in a comic that really only focuses on showing boobs. But there you have it.

        It was never for the feedback (good or bad). Any creator will tell you: the moment you start adjusting your story around reader feedback, you are pandering to your audience. You lose your way and your story spirals into platitudes. Your voice is gone, and your audience leaves.

        You presume incorrectly that I do this for the money. The site was never a source of revenue, it’s a hobby, and it’ll be around as long as I keep enjoying doing what I do. Every dollar that comes in (and then some) gets reinvested in content (main comic, members section). I’m certainly interested in member feedback on what kind of content they prefer (comics, ebooks, pervy illustrations, etc.) and I’ve generally gone with their preference on that front. There’s even been a case of a special anonymous request for pregnancy erotica that I’ve put in because I thought it’d be fun to do. That kind of feedback is definitely interesting and I pay attention to it.

        As for telling people to leave, those are your words, not mine. I’m hoping people stick around and enjoy these stories. But there are billions of people on this planet who don’t come here, and I bear them no ill. BF isn’t for everyone, nor is it meant to be. As I said above, I don’t pander to my audience–that path leads to destruction. There are 350+ comic strips out there, some entertaining, some not. Like every creator, there are some in there that I like, and TONS I despise. In 2-3 years, maybe I’ll turn out to hate this very thread, who knows? But this is now, this story is unfolding as planned, and for good or bad, I’m all in. Hopefully the audience will be all in as well.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. You said it yourself. You’re gonna please some people, displease others. It just happens that this time, it’s the latter. Why would anyone like a character that gives you no reason to like her?

        2. I’m not worried about that part. I’m going somewhere with this. Things will be revealed in due time.

          (As for Crystal, I’m not surprised people don’t like her. I was going for detestable, and I think it worked.)

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. I’m going somewhere with this. Things will be revealed in due time.

          And there you have it folks: “things many not make sense now but they will soon.” The rest is noise.

          As for Crystal, I’m not surprised people don’t like her. I was going for detestable

          *raises a hand* I don’t detest her.

        4. Damn, quoting doesn’t work. Trying to fix:

          > I’m going somewhere with this. Things will be revealed in due time.

          And there you have it folks: “things many not make sense now but they will soon.” The rest is noise.

          >As for Crystal, I’m not surprised people don’t like her. I was going for detestable

          *raises a hand* I don’t detest her.

        5. Yeah, I think it did.

        6. *tips hat to Jaycee* Well said. And as one of the regular readers occasional commenters, I totally get where you are coming from. I’ve seen many artists burn out because of their comments, or from doing what they don’t enjoy just because it brings money or because they think it will bring positive feedback.

      2. Some of the readers do accept this turn

    2. This isn’t about being “displeased” but rather about being confused.

      I wasn’t complaining about the story, I was asking for an explanation.

  17. Crystal acted quite like Busty did with her pranks, it may just be a case of like attracting like.

    1. Zack Tilly! Have not seen Crystal being actively malicious

  18. I don’t think it’s really love, but Autumn is being faced with losing the best excuse she ever had for doing the things she wants to do.

    Crystal can potentially allow Autumn to sexually humiliate strangers while taking the credit, and the blame. It’s kinda what Autumn lives for, but guilt-free.

    1. Great… now you made me hate the fairy.

      1. You hate too easily.

        1. I have plenty to go around.

    2. Umm, she’s a Faerie, she never had to have a reason for doing the things she wanted to do, Faerie don’t get ‘guilt’

  19. Um, wait. I thought the charm worked because she was a virgin. She still is , she just had an orgasm. There was no actual sex. So, why is the charm broken in the first place? I’m sure millions of teenage boys who have had wet dreams would disagree with your assessment.

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