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Bloomin’ Faeries! #356

63 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #356

  1. was this uploaded early by mistake?

  2. How big will they expand?

    1. Remember it is not just size but also sensitivity.

  3. Nope, she really didn’t listen.
    Now, she’s going to have to learn to….

  4. I wonder how big her breast will get if she talks to Heather.

    1. I think Heather has gotten over most of her hate.
      Though some resentment probably still lingers.

  5. I wonder if this ‘curse’ will be permanent on Crystal. I know this gnat isn’t as powerful as the main fairy but she is using some powerful emotions to help fuel the spell after all.

  6. Math gone wrong… or right :p

    1. Breast equation ever!

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Ow .. ow .. the puns, the puns !

        1. Just like Crystal, who’s about to get pun-ished.

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. We… shall… see.

  7. I have to wonder, the reason for the crying now, after this curse, or maybe a couple other, Crystal really dislike fairy, which mean her love not return at all.

  8. The new expanded format doesn’t seem to be giving us anything we didn’t get in the smaller strip size. We actually seem to be getting less “magic events” than before. She was cursed last week. Now the curse is *just starting* this week.

    1. But it allows for more story, which in the long run will make the comic more interesting.

  9. I really hope that BOOM does not mean a literal explosion. Murder is not in the spirit of this comic.

    Also, I agree with @Sorry above. I feel that slowing down the magical effect to drag it out over the course of several weeks only detracts from the comic.

    1. The new format wasn’t designed to speed things up, but to have a story that flowed better. A 4-panel strip that “must” end with some kind of gag gave the story the “hiccups.” It just couldn’t be written as a smooth narrative, it had to stop for a punchline (of sorts), then “remind” the reader of what was going on. It also made it hard to focus on a single character’s story because often times, there just weren’t any punchlines to make, so I had to switch to someone else. This constant back-and-forth was jarring to many readers, and I wasn’t happy with it myself. Thus, this new format.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Me, I like the new format. Gag-a-week can be fun and all, but the narrative is getting interesting.

        1. Except that a strip-per-week rate plus expanded narrative equals an overly slow pace.

          That is probably my biggest, if not the only, complaint.

  10. Her breasts will grow as big as the hate for her od whoever is nearest?

    So if she wants flat breasts she needs to be triely nicer.

  11. I think there’s a paradox here, if a big tit lover sees her and likes her for having big tits then they shrink away, which the person hates so they grow… you could have invented a successor to wave power.

    1. Fairly sure the hate for her is restricted to whatsherFaerie

      1. Actually, the exact words were “the hate of the person you’re talking to.”

        So maybe if she just shuts up?

        1. Yes, and wasn’t she talking to whatsherFaerie? o_O

        2. I suppose that’s one way to read it. I took it that they’ll change when she talks to someone else.

          So if she likes being flat then she needs to find someone who doesn’t hate her at all.

        3. The way I see it the exact words are “Hate plus boobs equals boom!” What I can derive from that is that something explodes whenever someone with boobs hates her?

      2. No, it’s anyone that hates her. Which is a lot of people.

    2. Nah, I don’t think it’s a paradox, Travan. One can hate a person and still want to fuck them in my opinion.

      1. This phenomenon even has a name. It’s called a “grudge fuck”. Have a nice day. 😛

        1. The things you learn on this site… 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

  12. Wouldn’t it be funny if the spell fizzles and her breasts go back to normal and no more spells work on her because the curse although weakened for now only allowed a temporary expansion.

    1. What are you talking about?

    2. Nope. Don’t see how that would be funny.

  13. Next monday can’t come quickly enough.

    1. Can we start Christmas week now?!?

  14. There I thought that she was really angry with her…

  15. So much for the contention between the fairies over who could possibly block whom before Crystal got cursed. The last comic settled that, and this one cements it.

    So, can one fairy undo the curse of another fairy? Crystal’s fairy mentioned something about not screwing with another fairy’s human, so perhaps there is either a law or convention or even a magical forbidding of certain behaviors regarding another fairy’s human.

    1. Well, the blog stories suggested if one faerie messes with another faerie’s human without permission, it goes against custom to the point that the offended party can lodge a complaint with higher ranking faeries (like the countess Ylang-Ylang) and use their magic against the offender.

  16. This is still the flashback that started when Busty learned of Crystal’s arrival.

    If Busty, who then loved her, talked to her, then she would have shrink back down, and if she kept talking to her, she’d stay small until something separated the two.

    1. No, this isn’t a flashback, it’s “now-time.”

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. So we’re at now, now ?
        But haven’t we just passed it?
        Like, wouldn’t “now” become “then” ?
        When, will then be now ?
        Soon ?

        1. I just snorted coffee!


          “I’m doing it.”

        2. Sheela, if you behave we might find some tuna :}

        3. MidnightDStroyer

          We’ll need to keep Sheela’s hands away from the VCR controls. Otherwise, she’ll have us looking at then now.

          (Yes, I caught the reference to Space Balls. 😉 )

        4. No problemo … I don’t have hands, I have paws! 😀
          And tuna will be appreciated.

          Finally, I’m fairly certain that coffee is not meant to be snorted. Nice catch on the reference though. 🙂

  17. Yay! Finally!

  18. Well this is going to be a good way for her to learn who truly hate or despises her.

    1. That’s probably going to include anybody who doesn’t already know Crystal…And anyone she meets is likely to get annoyed rapidly.

  19. ok i know this isn’t that type of comic but…. with the curse is it actually possible for her breasts to explode if the hate is strong enough? cause thats really gorey and cruel and everything crystal deserves.

    1. It’s doubtful anyone big enough hates her with sufficient white-hot hatred for this to occur. Plus, the spell itself probably isn’t strong enough to do something like that (assuming Spunky would even want that in the first place–she’s not a bloodthirsty creature).

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Right, she’s just really mad and just wants to embarrass Crystal.

      2. Not even Heather?

        1. Probably not. Faeries aren’t bloodthirsty creatures.

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. So Boom is just an overly dramatic way of saying Rrrip?

        3. That was my take on what the fairy said. “Boom!” would be Crystal’s bra/gown ripping open if the hate was great enough.

        4. I doubt it was that powerful of a spell to begin with. Spunky’s breasts haven’t shrunk any…

    2. That would require faerie magic to acknowledge a maximum breast size.

      I suspect that the faerie creation myth holds that in primordial times a being was cursed with a breast the size of a planet and the world formed upon it.

  20. The Phantom's Belch

    Am I the only one that thinks Crystal in panels 2 and 3 actually looks good sporting that handful? Definitely better than being flat, but not obscenely large (like what Heather is currently sporting).

    I’d be happy if that remained her post-curse size.

  21. Just remember people, that right now, in front of her, is the one being that hates her more then anything else in the world right now. This is gonna be interesting.

  22. We might be missing something here.

    What if it’s additive?

    Say, someone else comes along who hates Crystal. Fairy hate X + Person hate X is X+X=XX. A third person comes along, more hate, and suddenly her breasts are three X’s increased in size. They increase, but don’t decrease. Eventually, she’ll be reduced to all fours…

    1. The problem? 🙂

      1. Well, she might put dairy farmers out of business, and we can’t have that! Think of the poor farmers! 🙂

        1. Buut .. they would have *so much fun* milking her, so I don’t think they’d mind !

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