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Bloomin’ Faeries! #362

44 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #362

  1. Pff I like how you can see the female guard before her invisi-cock shows up.

  2. Wait, didn’t Autumn create that cock? I see a fairy magic conflict in the future.

    1. Good point, we were just told that bad things happen if you mess with another faerie’s magic.

    2. Not necessarily. I can only see a fairy magic conflict if the vindictive fairy tries to cast something that goes against the current spell Patience suffers under.

      1. “suffers” under…

    3. She’s not messing with the magic, she’s just letting mr. happypenis there out for a romp in the pretty crystal garden.

  3. Oh. Hello, Patience.
    Still, huh?

  4. I can see this getting out of hand.

    1. Lucky’s hand, you mean?

      1. Yeah, regardless I can see Amber stepping in to stop what is technically going to be Crystal getting raped. Hate to turn it dark but that is what it is going to be.

        1. Hate to turn it darker, but how’s that different from what Thane goes through all day and all night?

        2. It isn’t.

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. yea i see a few people worried about the rape aspect…but it already happens to thane…or does it not count because he has a penis. glad to see the author doesnt think that way

        4. No, some people don’t like it even if it happens to Thane, and some found Patience raping Lucky (and then blaming him and having him beaten up afterwards) to be just as wrong

        5. This comic heavily features what can be strictly interpreted as non-consensual sex, and it has been like this from the start.

          However, it must be remembered that it depicts a different universe, with different morality stemming from the prevalence of faerie magic.

          It is understood that BF faeries are amoral (or at the least have a moral code so different from ours that reconciling them is not possible), and are often (some would say constantly) forcing humans into immoral acts and situations. This has been going on for generations, and the BF humans are exposed to it, in one way or another, from birth.

          The widespread knowledge that almost anyone can be made to initiate or receive non-consensual sex anytime a passing or resident faerie feels like it, and that there is nothing the average person can do against it, necessarily changes the attitudes about the issue, and also rubs off on interpersonal standards of behaviour as well. So even though so far, the “aggressors” (or “rapists” if you will) in the vast majority of the cases are the faeries, occasionally BF humans will also act in ways we consider reprehensible.

          Now I understand that many readers have a problem with that, and I also find myself cringing every once in a while, but it may help if you think of BF as very dark universe with a veneer of light porn that masks it.

        6. That doesn’t me we can’t find the acts of rape objectionable

          Messing with someone (like causing Heather to orgasm every time the clock strikes) is one thing, but rape (whether it’s Baby bouncing on Thane’s boner or what is about to happen here) is something completely different

  5. So Patience has the honor to take Crystals virginity? Now the only question is which one she will take.

    1. Heh… one will give her a (fairly) permanent cure for constipation.

  6. Getting a little rapey…

    1. It really depends on Crystal’s reaction I think. If she starts getting aroused by this and then enjoys it then you really can’t say it’s rape.

      1. kind of also depends on WHEN. (for instance, a fellow in prison said once that he realized he couldn’t be raped if he refused to withhold consent), although, honestly, consensual should be the only type of 2-person sex.

        1. No, given enough time, effort, technique and (possibly) drugs a person can be coerced into enjoying quite a lot without ever giving consent. +When one person is being magically held in place, and the other magically forced to do the deed to the first person all by a third party without consent from anyone involved, I’d say it’s pretty much the definition of rape on both sides by the fairy. As a BDSM lifestyler, consent is a major issue for me. This is bad form…

        2. Like I said it depends on her reaction. That and if the fairy does something to get her aroused or if she just finds the situation arousing by itself without something to mess with her emotions and hormones.

        3. Irrespective it is still rape if there is no consent freely given by Crystal. There is no moral ambiguity in this.

        4. Faeries being willing and able to force people into sex acts including full penetrative sex using a mixture of mind and body control is nothing remarkable in this strip.

          Neither Thane nor most of his tormentors freely consented.

        5. I get that you’re playing devil’s advocate here, but the only way it isn’t a form of rape is if Crystal is allowed to give consent *before* anything else happens. If that’s actually unclear to anyone, Google “tea and consent.”

          Now, JayCee has some (no doubt intentional) wiggle room. The only thing that Crystal has objected to so far was her involuntary reaction after seeing the elf. Otherwise she’s been passive.

        6. I think that BF is more about this version:

        7. Problem with that clip, is it is given the impression that by giving consent once it means you give consent always and don’t even have to ask again

        8. No, that clip is a parody, framing the concept of a “slut” using the same terms and metaphors.

        9. Refused to withhold consent…?

          Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying “bent over and took it in the ass?”

          There’s quite a big difference between “consenting to sex” and “complying with rapist to avoid a pre-rape beatdown.” If he knows he’s not strong enough to successfully fight back and the rape is going to happen either way, he’s wise to at least avoid a beating. That certainly doesn’t mean he wanted a cock in his ass.

        10. which is why I mentioned that I felt the only proper form was for sex to be consensual

      2. It matters not whether the body’s automatic response system starts to enjoy it, if the mind and the person don’t enjoy it or gave their consent prior

        A person doesn’t even have to be conscious for the body to respond ‘positively’ to outside stimulation, but that doesn’t stop it from being rape (or, at the very least, non-consensual intercourse)

        1. You are also assuming that they didn’t want to have sex. If they aren’t complaining or doing something to show their displeasure about it then can you really say they are against the act?

          In this comic, at the worst, a character may complain about the fairies controlling them or influencing them but not about the sex itself.

        2. That sounds like the typical ‘defense’: “If they wanted me to stop, they should have told me to” or “If they didn’t want it, they shouldn’t have looked at me”

        3. This is a comic Guesticus so it follows different rules compared to real life and you keep on trying to apply them to it. We don’t see anyone get upset over the ‘rape’ that happens at all in this comic.

          Look at Lucky and Patience the first time they had sex. Would you call that rape in any situation? I don’t because Lucky didn’t know Patience was under the effect of a lust spell (he’s not very bright either) and didn’t put it on her (Thane did by proximity but it’s not his fault either). Lucky also likes Patience and was wanting to sleep with her in the first place so when she was all over him, he didn’t resist so he’s not being raped either.

          If you must blame anyone and call it all rape (and some of it is very close to it at appearance), then it’s the fairies that are to blame for all of it since a lot of the people can’t see the fairies.

          At first glance this may very well appear to be rape but we haven’t had seen the whole situation yet. Crystal is not under a lust spell right now so if she starts getting aroused by the situation and wants to goes along with it then can you say it’s rape?

        4. You forget, that Patience accused Lucky of raping her, and broke his arm over it

      3. Pretty sure its rape. Cringeworthy or not, this along with being absolute jerks to one another has kinda been one of the comic’s tentpoles from the beginning. In the end, it generally works out leaving most parties happy with the outcome..

        .. like Lucky and Patience having a moment there. ^^ Anywho, still trying to figure out where Autumn’s true love came from though, presuming she’s no longer under Crystal’s sway.

        1. Had forgotten that Lucky was transformed into a girl

        2. Yeah, thought I don’t generally blame the people for it as it’s the fairies causing all of it. I remember in the past when Patience and Lucky had sex for the first time, people were saying that he was raping her.

  7. So.. the faeries go from mischievous playfulness.. to out and out Magically enforced RAPE? A definite change to the darkside…

    1. You haven’t read the old archive stories, have you? And take another look at the earliest strips.

      1. See my longish comment above

        1. That was explaining that this ‘Magically enforced RAPE’ business has been going on for a long time
          Regardless whether it is ‘normal’ for their world doesn’t stop it from being rape

    2. Is it rape? We haven’t even seen the whole situation play out yet. As it stands right now Crystal is not under a lust spell right now so she can easily fight against it and show she doesn’t want this. This is a comic so we gotta be shown that Crystal doesn’t want this for this to be truly be considered rape.

      I’m just waiting for the whole situation to play out before I consider it rape or not.

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