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Bloomin’ Faeries! #375

30 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #375

  1. I saw that going in a completely different direction.

    1. This isn’t shadbase, man

  2. Awww.. still haven’t found out why she is / was a faerie

  3. Unless there was an error with the episode numbering, looks like #375 got skipped over.

    1. Good point. Does seem weird to cut to this after conversation, too, unless for comic relief after last weeks tension

      1. Neil was referring to a numbering error (the strip was posted as #376, not #375, so I rectified that).

        The cut is just a narrative transition to (clumsily, apparently) return us to the right time & setting.

        “I’m doing it.”

  4. Hey! Why didn’t they pick ME for this episode?

    1. Because Sir Thane needs you!

  5. How many earrings does the Princess carry around?

    1. Looks like she used Crystal’s this time!

  6. That poor, confused donkey. ^^;

    1. Probably going to be feeling some hatred from the donkey in pretty short order too. At least if the change to her appearance also affects her weight.

      1. “Why does this idiot keep screaming and shifting her weight forward? I want to go back to hauling freight….”

  7. I have to admit, Jaycee, you sure can draw a nice ass. Oh come on, you knew that was coming.

    1. Except that Wondollar does all the drawing, Jaycee is the wordsmith/idea man.

      1. Wondollar has been doing a great job on the expressions lately, but I really love that donkey going from bored/annoyed to surprised.

      2. Yeah, guy who must have totally stolen my name and clearly couldn’t possibly be me because I would never be one of those people who actually thought it was the other way around all this time! Still, it is February 28- the feast day of Pope Hilarius (That’s a real thing! Look it up, it’s today!) so in the spirit of eating this bag of Nachos for God, I guess I can let it slide. And stop using my name, totally not me guy!

  8. Further proof that Heather is deliberately making things worse :rolleyes:

  9. The conga line of humiliation continues. Not that I mind.

  10. I think Crystal can be used as a cash cow, there gotta be a lot of milk in these mammaries

    1. To date, no female victim of faerie magic has been shown to have been impregnated.

      1. Doesn’t mean lactation can’t be induced by magic…

  11. Hey! Girl with the pearl earring!

    1. She needs the matching necklace… >_>

  12. I loved how you showed the earrings for ass trade.

  13. Waaaait. If Crystal has some faerie in her and her breasts are getting this big… someone’s gonna magic… a lot!

  14. This is the real reason why women were forced to ride sidesaddle: their men-folk were jealous

  15. That donkey is going to have one sloppy wet back!

    And those tits are going to explode if they get any bigger…

    Oh… Donkey…. over sexed girlie… I’ve seen enough Mexican porn to know where this is going… (yeah, OK, unlikely, the comic is too tame and censored)

  16. Why do I think the Court Wizard is appearing soon?

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