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Bloomin’ Faeries! Final…

49 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! Final…

  1. holy crap, I wondered what would eventually happen, and I wonder how many other people have kept this in the daily bookmarks for this long!

    1. I’m surprised anyone’s still got this site bookmarked. It’s been almost a year…


      1. We also could not bring ourselves to remove the bookmark.
        We hoped… against hope… that you’d come to your senses and sell
        the bookform, continue the art… you were on your way to make a great

        Serieux, ca a fait mal.

    2. I couldn’t bring myself to not remove it from my bookmark :'( it was a good comic

      1. It doesn’t need to be bookmarked when you have RSS

  2. Farewell Jaycee!! Thanks for all the fun times and story you’ve made <3

    May Good fortune keep you going with fun times

    – Pureheart Choppy ^_^7

    1. PS: Looking Good 😉 <3

  3. Any chance on having the entire series as a zip for those people that loved this?.. cause I can’t be the only one

    1. Well, seeing as I’m going legit as a writer, I’d like to leave the adult stuff behind. Obviously, this is the internet, and things are never TRULY gone, but I’d rather not add fuel to the fire, if you get my meaning.


      1. My theory was that you were being sued, and everything had to disappear.

        1. It’s a theory indeed. 😉


  4. I have it in my RSS feed, and ultra happy to see at least one final strip.

    I hope you will promote whatever you’re doing now again on this site and I’m sure lot of people will recognize it.

    Have a lot of fun. I had a lot of it because of your comic!

    1. I will, but bear in mind it won’t be adult content, so the “old crowd” may not be into it as much. But I’ll be sure to put as much love and effort into it as I did this site.


      1. What will it be?

        You created a bloomin fantasy world. So naturally I’d expect something funny and entertaining.
        And I think a lot of people still like that even when it isn’t about talking dicks and big orgys.

        If you go to the historical side and write about that then I’m sure you will be surprised how many will read it anyway but the general crowd will be truly different 🙂

        Either way. I wish you the best.

        1. It’s going to be a series of fantasy stories set in a non-BF universe that I’ve been working on for a few years. I’ve actually recently left my job to dedicate myself to doing this full time, so I’m hoping it pans out. I may drop some updates about it on this site in the next few weeks, there might indeed be some readers who’ll find that sort of thing interesting. There may be the occasional adult situation, but it won’t be just for the sake of showing bare boobs. 😉


        2. Of course not. One has to evolve (at least a little bit).

          But please if you see the chance tell us here about it. I’d definitely look into a preview and you have a small crowd of people following you already. The possibility of them giving you a little headstart is sth I would exploit.

  5. Best of luck Jaycee!

  6. I’ve been checking back on a regular basis and hoping that you’d start the comic again. It’s been one of my favorites for a long time. I’ve been missing it and now I’m REALLY going to miss it. Thanks for creating it and I hope that you reconsider your decision at some point.

    1. I’m always grateful for the positive feedback, but no, it’s not coming back. I’m moving on to other projects and adult content would get in the way.


  7. Thank you Jaycee for all the fun throughout the years.
    I wish you all the best for you and your future projects.
    So long, and thanks for all the mammaries. 😉

    1. Ha! Good one. Thanks for all your support over the years, it was much appreciated.


  8. question. will u be unlocking the rest of the stuff? i kind of want to reread from the start and 4 some reason i cant.

    1. I’m afraid not, sorry. I may release the strips commercially at some point in the future, if there’s a demand, but not in digital form. I realize this is less than cool, but as I’m trying to earn a legit living as a writer, I’d rather not have this much adult stuff lying around.


      1. There are few prices I would be unwilling to pay for copies of this wonderfully joyful and titillating comic. Thank you so much for all the years of fun and inspiration your strip has provided. I very much look forward to your future projects.

  9. I wish you and W. all the best, Jaycee, though I don’t think I’ll ever stop missing this. Your risque work has been one of the rarest of happenings, something all too rare in a world crowded with cheap thrills… smut with a soul. Erotica with artistry.

    It does take artistry to tell a tale, and it takes skill to do it with indulgence. Yes, there were times when even I became a little uncomfortable with the subject matter. I’m not the sort of person who can look at a picture of a person and not see a person. But I think you’re the same way. I didn’t objectify the people in this comic, because they weren’t just objects. Not to me, and not to you. They were… well, people. They had lives which went beyond the eye candy. It’s what made this a truly exceptional experience.

    And that’s what makes this such a bitter pill. I truly wanted to know what happened to the shepherd girl with the tongue. I wanted to know if Carmella would have to adjust to a life with tiny breasts. I wanted to know what happened to the Princess, and the Prince, and the elf who was a mirror, and Patience, and Baby, and the nuns, and the faeries! Bloomin’ Faeries was a dream come true for me because it gave my fetish a breathing soul, like every comic I devote myself to. I loved that it gave me a need to know!

    But now I never will. And, like I said… it’s bitter.

    Transformations are more than just a visual fetish to me. They’re like stories. I become invested. Most of the time I have to be content with brief vignettes consisting of a rapid beginning, middle, and an end. Some are longer. Some carry on for a while, like a stream. But Bloomin’ Faeries was a rich, rushing river. And now, missing so many endings, it’s like a tide of broken promises dashed against a dam.

    Not that I blame you, Jaycee. I appreciate that you want to leave the kinky stuff behind. In fact, I know how you feel! That’s one of the reasons why I’ve largely divorced that side of myself from my primary artistic career. But there’s always been (and might always be) a part of me that yearns to be the kind of artist you’ve been, free to do exactly this sort of thing, to devote genuine time and talent to breathing real life into our fetishes.

    At least I can be thankful that it was here for a while. I have to thank you for that. Really, thanks very much for your gift. Even though it’s hard not to miss dipping my feet into that river, seeing it stretching towards a horizon, reaching out to touch those intimately familiar, dirty, delightful dreams that will probably never again be brought so brilliantly to life.

    Best of luck, Jaycee. Best of luck to you and W. both. You have a great talent, and I hope it takes you to wonderful places.

    1. Wow. What an absolutely moving and gratifying testimony. I don’t think anyone has said anything so kind about the comic in the 7.5 years that I published it. Sure, there were tons of loyal readers, but I don’t think anyone was quite so emphatic or lyrical about it. “…it’s like a tide of broken promises dashed against a dam” is a beautiful metaphor.

      It’s very flattering to read your kind words, and if anything was going to tempt me into doing it again, it’d be comments like yours. But having re-read back the strips, I find myself cringing at some of the premises (and some of the narrative constraints required by the format and the genre). I think I need something more satisfying (creatively speaking). That’s why the written form is where I’ll be focusing my efforts.

      But thank you for taking the time to write all this, thank you for your kind words, and thank you for your years of loyal readership. Clearly you were one of the persons I was writing this for, and I’m glad it managed to strike a chord with you (and, no doubt, many other folk).

      Best of luck in your own projects!


    2. THANK YOU. For phrasing what we were all trying to tell him.
      We loved his art and crazyness. We really meant it. And we are sad
      he stopped.

      And we want him to know we loved what he did 🙂

      Thank you for phrasing it so well for the rest of us with less art to their speech 😉

  10. And because it deserves to be emphasized, you and Wondollar make a fantastic team. He has one of the cleanest, most refined styles I’ve ever seen. Again, my gratitude and congratulations to you both for all the work you’ve done. I’ll come back to this many times, even though I’ll always wish it could have gone on longer.

    I hope that you two do consider collaborating to collect this comic into a book of some sort. Perhaps even bringing it alive again, just long enough for… well, there I go. If wishes were horses, right?

    Still, I must have seen hundreds of webcomics which deserve to be commemorated less than Bloomin’ Faeries. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

  11. Oh I had the wondering what happened to this site and yeah too bad I really like the earlier strips especially the ones with Thane. Somehow he reminded me of a more mature yet less intelligent Johnny Bravo

  12. I’m sorry to see if go but at the end of the day, you’ve got to do what is right for you. Good luck for the future!

  13. I will miss the Blooming Faeeries Stories, Because I really like them. I look forward to reading your new work because you are a quality writer no mater what the subject and I also really like Wondollar and hope you will work with him in the future. Fortunately for me has a long time paid subscriber I have every picture from BFF (and before any one asks I will not post or send it to anyone since it is not mine) for my own personal use. Good luck in your future work and I do hope you post it here or start up a newsletter so I will be able to read your future work.

  14. After all the time the site has been down, I was overjoyed to see a new comic up!
    Realising it was a goodbye comic was sad…
    But finding out that you’re not leaving access to the archived strips is worse!!!

    As you say, on the internet, nothing is lost, so why not leave an archive? So those of us that enjoyed the strip over the years can re-read it?

    1. I want to dissociate myself from adult content. The less of it there is, the better.


  15. I’m glad I kept this bookmarked to at least dispel any rumours or doubts. I understand wanting to go more mainstream, unless you’re writing for a religious audience I don’t know that BF would necessarily be an issue, but that’s just my opinion, YOUR’s is the only one that matters here.

    Good luck with your future endeavors!

  16. Dunno why it would be demeaning to women, but whatever. Good luck!

    1. I think it’s fair to say it objectifies women and (put harshly) contributes to rape culture. But to be clear, that’s not the actual reason why I closed the comic; I knew all this going in. I just felt it was a good excuse for a final strip, something that was a fun gag and that Jaycee (the character) would say.

  17. Well I guess that’s it, somewhere out there a spiritual successor is waiting in the wings, Fairy wings that is.

  18. What are you thoughts of fans making their own stories with similar concepts?
    Maybe make their own Princess and Fairy?

    1. I get that a lot, and while it’s flattering, I have mixed feelings about it. Obviously, people can write whatever they want and can name it anything, so I don’t have much of a say in that. When it comes to using the BF-verse (characters & brand), though, my default position is to decline. The faeries have moved on and I prefer to keep it that way. 😛


  19. I get ya, There are other “Heathers” out there, And there’s people out there who would make their own stories set in the same universe but in a whole different timeline, And just so you know, There are a lot of content creators out there that drew porn before, Rebecca Sugars is one of them. let that sink in for a second. ?

    1. No doubt, I’m under no delusion that I’m a pioneer or the first one to do things like this. (Nor, I hope, did I say anything that suggested I had ownership on similar concepts.) My contention is only on things having to do with the BF-verse (places, names & characters), not with people doing similar storylines.

  20. Oh glad to hear it. ^-^

  21. Panel 4 hints that if there are the occasional rare follow-up, its going to be “Sauce for the gander” or “Characters get the author back”

  22. Hopefully, we’ll get to see some new webcomic from this author, I really liked the art style.

    1. To my knowledge, Wondollar is very busy with his freelance work. Unless someone wanted to bankroll a webcomic, I doubt he’d prioritize that kind of work over his more mainstream stuff.

  23. All Good Things Come to an End

    Sorry to see the comic end but I appreciate that you brought your site back up to let your fans know that this is the end. I disagree with the idea that you need to “scrub” your past to avoid tainting future endeavors but I can also understand not wanting someone to prejudge new efforts in a different area by your past work.

    Best of luck.

    1. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but there’s currently a campaign to bring back the comic. We’ll see if it works…


      1. I’m for all that. Too many great comics are ending (or disappearing behind pay walls) and a lot of new stuff doesn’t make the cut for what is lost.
        If you have a winner, why screw with it.

  24. Wow! This must have been one Hell of a strip! Can’t say that I’ve seen any of them, so I’m sorry I can’t comment. I saw a reference to the strip on Exiern, and tried to check it out. Unfortunately, I was about a year late doing so, at that point. After reading some of the tributes, and getting some idea of the feelings the strip has evoked, I am truly sorry I will miss out completely. A day late, and a dollar short, as it were.

    I have seen a very great number of web comics come to an end in the last year. Most of the ones I was following took Hiatus, for one reason or another, and several of them went in directions I did not care to follow. I will not explain, except to say that I do not wish to start a debate.

    Be that as it May, it is said, that what goes around, comes around. Just like fashions, many things return from what was thought to be a demise. I hope your strip will be one of them, and that I may get a chance to see what all the fuss is about.

    By the way, as much as I like sometimes seeing things come back, I sincerely hope the Leisure Suit is never one of them! Yes, I am that old! Best of Luck to you anyway. Follow your dreams.

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