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Bloomin’ Faeries! #349

32 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #349

  1. Oh, this is going to be good ^.^…Yet some part of me thinks it is going to be a ideal Female for her O///O

    1. Hi there Choppy, finished testing the personal boobs?

      1. N-No they’re so big and bouncy…but making me a bit stimulant in my outfit >3<

        1. Changed the avatar too I see.

        2. Yeah should I keep it as the old one or find something better lol

    2. 10:1, she’s such a narcisist the person she lusts after/sees is herself.

  2. Thought so, this backfired on her big time.

  3. Knowing Princess Crystal — her idealized sex partner would be herself. :/

  4. Hence, mirror.

    1. Yep. Remember what happened to Narcissus. Narcissism did him in.

  5. I would say that is rude to remove someone’s protective clothes without asking but considering who did it…I kinda hope this backfires on her BIG time because that girl really needs to learn her lesson.

  6. Still don’t like Crystal. At all. <:P

    1. Very few do, you are in good company ?

      1. I am firmly in Crystal’s corner.
        Burqas have no place in the BF-verse.

        1. It’s not a burka

  7. The Phantom's Belch

    She was almost starting to be at least somewhat sympathetic… and then she pulls this.

    Busty, at least, is saying “not a good idea”, but … too little, too late.

  8. So, for some reason she has to go around apologizing to everyone she offended. She meets someone new that she hasn’t offended, and the first thing she does is insult their outfit. I hate to bring up stereotypes (since they aren’t true), but she sure does live up to her hair color, doesn’t she?

    Also, has this comic switched to Tuesday updates or has it just been late the past few weeks?

    1. She’s also keeping fairies around with her. I’m curious as to how long ‘spunky’ has been a driving influence in her way of viewing the world. “Ugly outfit? Oh, okay, well, we can magic that ‘better’ (away). They might even like it!” I mean, from what I’ve seen of the setting thus far, that seems to be the way everything goes, cast spell, people are modestly inconvenienced, or steadily start to enjoy it.

      Crystal just doesn’t really manage an insiders perspective of “Maybe I should ask first”, but you can probably blame royal upbringing or inherent nature (50/50 split) on that. Her family ran under the presumption she’d be leading or working under/alongside a king so they probably praised some of her earlier pranks just viewing them as a rambunctious nature / personal direction and shaming the opposition for not taking a joke well (or chopping off heads, or ignoring them).

      1. Merci pour ce florilège. Néanmoins, si j’ai bien compris ce qui est dit dans la video bonus “la crise derriere nous?” , les 2 financiers et les 2 avocats sont d’accord pour dire que notre argent n’est pas du tout en sécurité, ni dans les as-ssanceurvie, ni sur les livrets A. Sur ce point il me semble que vous avez une opinion différente, à savoir que les dépots des petits épargnants ne risquent rien. Vous aviez exprimé ce point de vue lors d’une rencontre avec le public, en début d’année je crois.

  9. Doesn’t take it very long to make up for lost time when it comes in offending someone, does it

  10. I’ve never offended you before, I’d better get right on that.

  11. Well, I figured that’s where it was going. A little surprised we got there so fast.

  12. Right, so… this is basically the fantasy equivalent of ripping off a Muslim woman’s headscarf. Yep, definitely don’t like Crystal.

    1. Yeah, I’m always both amused and disappointed by ignorant people such as the politicians who insist that Muslim women who visit them remove their scarves. It’s just like asking a Christian woman to remove her bra before she can speak to you…

      In this case Mirror does not appear to wear the outfit for her own modesty, but for the protection of others. So it’s more like demanding that all cops carry their pistols in their hands at all times, chambered and with the safety off, and fingers always on the triggers. Endangering others, but not violating their own sense of propriety. (Well, given current events, just endangering others MORE, but still the point is the same)

      1. This thread seems headed for troubled waters. This site is about juvenile male fantasies and the unrepentant objectification of women. I would rather not see it degenerate into tasteless topics like politics and religion.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. OK, to get things back on track, you wouldn’t be interested in sharing the source for the pic of Miss Nips in the Uncensored Hotties section as of this date, would you? Please? Pretty please with honey on top (of them 🙂 )?

        2. I’m not I a place where I can do this kind of search, but I recommend running the image through (and sharing the results with the class 🙂 ).

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. The earliest I could find it was where it was blogged in 2010. Model unidentified. 🙁 Best description translated as “Erect Nipples” LOL. As if we couldn’t tell! Apparently she’s Japanese. 😀

      2. > … asking a Christian woman to remove her bra before she can speak to you

        Your ideas are intriguing to me and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

  13. Well I guess now we will find out if she is completely asexsual or not

    1. Where did her being asexual come from? A virgin, yes, but Ace? o_O

  14. “This site is about juvenile male fantasies and the unrepentant objectification of women. I would rather not see it degenerate into tasteless topics like politics and religion.”

    so beautiful

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