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Bloomin’Faeries! #400

32 thoughts on “Bloomin’Faeries! #400

  1. Why does he have ghost blue eyes?

    1. He’s charged up with faerie magic.

  2. Even if it’s motivated by guilt, this is a significant moment.
    This is the first time a faerie has actually asked a human whether they actually like to have sex, and with which gender of partner, rather than just hexing them without a word or mocking all requests and attempts to make them stop.
    I expect the magic will kick off next week anyway, but at least the question was asked for once.

    1. This is after the same faerie lead that same human to become a spider monster, when she knows spiders are a fairie weakness. And she ended killing two other fairies instead of doing the soul fusion herself and save at least one.

      So yeah, too little too late.

      In any other species or society, she would heavily punished by her actions.

      *Helped a human get “spiders.” Crime number one.

      *Lead said human to a monster spider. Crime number two.

      *Killing two other fairies using soul fusion to save herself. Crime number three.

      I am quite surprised fairies have not not all died if she represents the usual fairie.

      Not to mention the guy may end becoming a fairie himself due to the magic overload, so that explains her being nice to him.

      1. Becoming a fairy himself, eh? I haven’t considered that possibility. It would be pretty interesting to watch him get fae-ed up with all that magic and a little training. And also I now want to hear him flutter around yelling, ‘It’sa me, Fairy-o!’.

      2. I won’t argue the point, just one detail.
        The backpack-spider ate the blonde meanie’s wings and various other body-parts. By her own words, she was too weak to escape. She may have been too weak to perform a soul-fusion.

      3. Yeah, why are we supposed to feel bad for the fairies again?

        1. Generally speaking, I wouldn’t feel bad for the faeries if they suffered some well-deserved comeuppances.
          But I do draw the line at things as horrible as being devoured in instalments, forced to exist in pain and terror for a prolonged period, with your only likely prospect being more pain and terror — which is what the backpack-spider did to the blonde meanie.

          If Autumn and Spunky hadn’t come to the Spooky Woods when they did, the blonde meanie would effectively have been tortured to death over a prolonged period. And even if you’re opposed to the cavalier way the faeries torment humans and other creatures, that is a horrifying fate to wish on any sentient, sapient creature.

        2. I’ll give you that, but I still ain’t losing any sleep over it.

        3. Fair enough. ^_^

        4. Being zombified by Shelob isn’t all fun either. Just sayin’…

        5. Oh god don’t get me started. have you seen Shadow of War? All I’ll say is “so much NOPE!”

          And I’m a confessed pervert!!!

        6. Generally speaking, Gallstone, you need a full-blown cursing by Attitude.

        7. Do I? My goodness.

        8. I feel extra for anyone with big boobs. Big boobs excuses a LOT or otherwise objectionable behavior, as in, “She completely ruined my life, but she had really big boobs and I could see down her shirt, so I didn’t complain!”

      4. Is fairy something one becomes? Because I always imagined that they are born fairies (or quite possibly hatched)
        And what will a male fairy look like? A female fairy uses her secondary sexual attributes to store magic, but what is the male equivalent? Huge muscles?

        1. Look up Atorie Rinbou Method of Breeding Fairy, and you’ll get an idea where they come from. (NSFW. Actually, not safe outside of a lunatic asylum.)
          Your other question: Yes. The male equivalent is also the secondary sexual attribute. In general in the shape of a large beard. Just look at Merlin or Gandalf or Santa Claus, or Bloomin’Faeries’ very own transgendered wizard before his transformation.

        2. Of course Santa Class, a wizard named Harry talked about him being a fairy in one of his books (I think it was Storm Front).
          I just never thought about a beard before, because, that is not a sexual characteristic. But it does make sense, just look at Simon Petrikov

        3. Charon the Fateless

          All I see is Swole Pix.

    2. It’s true she asked. However, she didn’t waited for answer.

  3. A quick question that has been bugging me: will we be getting more member comics and things any time soon? I am only wondering because its been so long since we’ve seen anything other then scripts, sketches, and roughs.

    1. First, I must apologize for the lack of updates in the last 6 months. There will be more updates, yes. I’ve run into scheduling & production challenges with my new job and plan on catching up.

      And just to be clear, every dollar that would have been spent on these comics will be spent on them. I don’t try to make money with this comic, it’s really a hobby, so I promise I won’t be lining my pockets with everyone’s money and run away, laughing like a cheap villain. (No, I’ll just sit here patting my fluffy white cat, my pinky pointed at the corner of my mouth, eyes squinting as I look at ONE… THOUSAND… DOLLARS!)

      But all joking aside, yes, I’m trying to plan things differently so I can catch up & deliver on what I’ve promised. Regular production & deliveries should resume by end of September.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. I’m sure Mr. Bigglesworth will give you his full support as you strive to reach your goals. ^_^

  4. I think i might have asked this before…

    But is there ANY chance of a REAL book – even Amazon “print on demand”?

    I’d love – really adore – having a solid book a la “Oglaf” of BF from the start.

    Even if it turned out to be two books – 100-130 pages each, £20… pweeeeese?

    1. There were plans at one point, but the amount of work it requires just isn’t worth it–and more importantly, I don’t have much spare time to organize something like this. The price would be outrageous. I would only do it through crowdfunding, but even then, that’s a big committment. (And honestly, I’m not even sure the originals are high-rez enough to do it.)

      “I’m doing it” (but not really)

      1. Would certainly support a KickStarter campaign, but from comments from other publishers, you are correct, it’s a huge commitment (and that’s for those who designed their webics from the start with the intent to publish)

  5. Now she seems to be automatically affected by fairie magic through his presence alone. Could be fun, if he has something like the same effect Thane has on women.

    1. That may be an already built-in effect

      But yeah, wondering why she gagged…

      1. I don’t think she gagged. She simply asked if there was something she could thpmmmfff, and I fully expect spiderman here to unzip his pants and say: “Why, yes, since you ask, maybe you’d be so good as to thpmmmfff THIS..”

  6. But… but… spiders are CUTE! Charlotte! Some Pig! Ballooning! Lolth! What’s with all the spider hate? 😀

  7. the way things were setup, i wasn’t sure if we should be more concerned with what was going to happen to the man, the shepherd girl, or the flock of sheep? be interesting to see where the artist takes it.

  8. Forgot to mention which name I settled on for the shepherd girl: it’s… Cybill.

    The reference was too bad to pass up.

    “I’m doing it.”

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