Indiegogo Campaign Ending!

Great news everyone, the campaign ended yesterday. I’m waiting to get the money from Indiegogo before getting Wondollar started on the comic, but I’m expecting the transfer to occur any time in the coming week. Since this is my first time using Indiegogo, I’m not sure how quickly they will get the money to me. I’ll update you some time next week.

We’ve made enough money to create THREE comics, so that’s what’s coming down the pipe. I don’t seem to be able to post updates on the campaign anymore, so I’ll have to find a way to keep everyone who contributed informed. Again, I’m learning the ropes of Indiegogo as I go, so please be patient with me while I do.

Lastly, the obvious question: what’s next?

I’m working on a Patreon page for the comic. My goal is to have the comic be supported by backers, who’ll have a say in what happens in the comic based on the level of contribution they have. I would love to be able to bring the comic back weekly, and Patreon seems like the best way of going about that. There’s an option to charge backers per comic, and that’s what I’m looking into. I’m thinking of three backer levels at the moment:

  • $2 per comic: you get to read the scripts in advance
  • $5 per comic: as $2, plus you get to see the sketch in advance & vote on minor story details (choice of characters in a strip, specific kink, lines of dialogues, etc.); if I ever reach $750 of revenues per comic, you also get the occasional digital goodie (bonus art).
  • $10 per comic: as $5, plus you get to see the final strip in advance & vote on story arcs; if I ever reach $1000 of revenues per comic, you also get the occasional physical goodie (to be shipped).

I may throw in more stuff as I’m able to, but obviously I have to keep an eye on costs. Unlike before, I hope to earn some revenues for myself from this venture (up to last year, I was treating it as just a hobby, so it didn’t matter–now I want to live full time from this and other creative ventures). But I can promise you that as much as I can, I’ll do what I can to make it worth your while. This may include (for example) small short erotic stories featuring one character or another from the strip (or other characters I come up with). Those, of course, would be sent to members of every tier, not just those who pay the most (though obviously, I may have some exclusive stuff for them as well).

Anyway, that’s the plan as it now stands. I hope to have the Patreon page live by early February.

Thanks again to everyone who supported the Indiegogo campaign.


3 thoughts on “Indiegogo Campaign Ending!

  1. That’s good news. I’m glad I belatedly thought of checking here to see if there was any progress.

  2. Any chance of late joining the campaign??

    1. I’m afraid not, sorry, but I’ll post more here once the Patreon campaign gets underway. Maybe you can help support the comic that way.




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