Bloomin’ Shop!


Here she is, in all her 7-inch glory:


Click on the image to go purchase it. It’s currently available for USD $89.99 + shipping. This is an early adopter price. On Jan 1, 2016, that price will go up to $99.99.

“I’m doing it.”

11 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Shop!

  1. It’d be a really cool advertisement to have artwork of one of the faeries glomming onto the figurine.

    “And it’s so huggable, too!”

    1. I think I’ve spent enough on the figurine for the time being. Let’s see if it makes _any_ sales first.

      “I’m doing it.”

  2. It is a beautiful thing and to be honest I would be tempted, but the import and duty fees add about 30% onto the price tag ( 20% tax 5% of the value in duty, $12 for handling then $4+2.5% currency conversion fee ) I have been caught out by this before ;-;.
    If you could get it manufactured here I would snap it up in a heart beat though, best of luck with it, I hope some people “closer to home” feel the same as I do, and it ends up a success 🙂

    1. Yeahcu can see how this can be an issue. I’m also considering a smaller version after Xmas (perhaps 3-4 inches) that would be significantly cheaper. That might be more interesting.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. The weird part is if the item is sent as a gift then amount for the item can cost before you get any fees at all ( excluding the exchange fee ) is $45-$50 depending on exchange rate after that amount you get hit by all these fees, and if you don’t pay them in 2 weeks they destroy the item…
        If it is not sent as a gift then it is $20 before all this happens (meaning you pay twice the items cost… if it goes over ) it is ridiculous.

        Well sorry about the rant,I just really wanted the larger figure, Thanks for the reply, I will keep an eye out for the Smaller figure, keep up the good work 😉

  3. Yeah it’s an awesome statue BUT the price is a lil steep. Don’t get me wrong I totally understand the metrics involved in making something like that. It cost money and design and etc etc but I think something smaller would work out better…

    1. I’ve looked into something smaller, and the costs & related logistics (& resulting quality) just weren’t worth it. So I’m afraid this is the one and only.

      “I’m doing it.”

  4. I realize it’s an artifact of most 3D printing techniques, but her boobs (skin in general- just most obvious on her boobs) look like they belong on a muppet- fuzzy/plushy looking.
    It’s a nice looking piece, though- really captures the art style of the comics.

    1. Yeah, little that can be done about that, short of polishing her manually. 😛

      “I’m doing it.”

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