Members: Spider-Woman Parody #1

I thought it’d be funny to commission artists to do some of of the characters Bloomin’ Faeries! in the controversial “Spider-Woman” pose. This variant, done by famous Italian artist Milo Manara, shows Spider-Woman in a pose that has everybody in an uproar. (Me, I really like it.)

First up: Li Fang Fei.

“I’m doing it.”

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3 thoughts on “Members: Spider-Woman Parody #1

  1. The web artist UltraFem drew and posted a picture of Peter Parker’s Spider-Man in the exact same pose, and it looked rather like a legitimate Spider-Man pose. While the picture does display Spider-Woman in a way that men leer at, it actually works in context.

  2. It is literally the same pose Spider-man uses. It’s sexualized, but it’s more due to the angle of the camera, which was an unfortunate choice.

    But yes, it’s literally the exact same pose. Although it’s freaking Milo Manara. I’m just surprised she’s wearing CLOTHES on that cover.

    He’s one of my favorite artist and if you like Bloomin’ Faries, check out his “Click” (Frigid and bitchy woman gets an implant that allows others to remote control her arousal level) series or “Butterscotch” (revolves around an invisibility potion that stinks like butterscotch).

  3. I’ve been a long fan of Manara (literally over a decade). I have no problems with his variant cover of Spider-Woman. Comics sexualize everything, but more to the point, we men do it all the time. The real issue here is not Manara’s art but the editorial choice to ask him to do it. Perhaps that was a debatable call, but the moment it was made, you knew what you were going to get.

    “I’m doing it.”

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