Strip #410 is FINANCED!

Just 5 days into the campaign, Strip #410 is already financed.

If I’m being honest, it’s still a little hard to wrap my brain around it. Writing and producing that comic has always felt like a very lonely place to be, and not one that I was ever sure was worth the time or money I had invested in it. It always felt like trashy writing to me, not something I was particularly proud of or something I thought people were really invested in.

Clearly, I need to readjust my thinking.

So as of just 10 minutes ago, we’ve achieved 100% of the goal to get one comic produced. That means #410 is going to happen. Does this mean the comic is back?

Well, it’s hard to tell right at this moment, but that might very well be the case. We’ll see how it all goes. Part of my job now is to get the script written & drawn by Wondollar. If the campaign goes crazy and brings in lots of money, we might be able to finance several comics out of it, and perhaps use the extra money to float this over to Patreon, where the support framework is more appropriate to this format (and the fees significantly lower). There are still several steps to making all this a reality, but a big one has been made and that’s very encouraging.

Thank you so much to everyone who’s supported this silly comic, I’m grateful in ways I can’t express.

“I’m doing it.”

6 thoughts on “Strip #410 is FINANCED!

  1. Did not doubt it for a second. If anything, I thought it would take less than 5 days.

  2. Jaycee, sadly I’m not in a position to financially support, though I have shared the campaign in all the places I thought would be interested. For me the comic was never trashy, I’ve seen those sorts of comments actually fairly often. in my general experience people will agree erotic doesn’t mean trashy persay, but they everyone draws the line at different places, if it’s not high art with deeper meanings or only celebrating the beauty of form, it’s trashy.

    While this is certainly fetishy, what separates good erotica from trashy for me is how the characters are handled, how the narrative proceeds. And you do both very well. It’s not serious often, but you had a maid with image issues get her wish and watched as it was taken away, breaking down the illusion, only to help her achieve her desire. You have a man who’s cursed to make women around him horny and beautify their bodies find ways to use that to help others. The princess is learning to embrace her desires and be more open and less judgemental, your characters are well developed, changing, growing, and adapting, I might enjoy the girl literally feeling every lewd fantasy the poor man she rejected has about her. But it’s learning how the past links to the current storytelling, it’s getting to see the characters, of learning about what will happen with Patience and Luctus.

    I can go anywhere for porn, it’s a rare place I can find erotica I want to know about the story, and rarer that it’s also done with visuals and not just written text. Ya have somethin’ special here, and I hope it keeps being made.

    1. I appreciate the kind words and the effort to spread the word. I think over time, it’s a combination of everything that will determine whether this is a success.

      With any luck, this will all work out…

  3. So the strip is back back?

    1. Not quite. I’ve got enough funds to finance #410 & #411 at the moment. We’ll see about the rest.


      1. It will be nice to see Heather’s reaction to her being adopted at any rate.


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