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#0210: It’s a Dud

22 thoughts on “#0210: It’s a Dud

  1. Wow, poor Lucky. Though I get the feeling that Patience is going to be hit hard by karma for messing with Lucky like this.

    1. Except this is Karma hitting Lucky for his own actions, so Patience is safe until Karma is done with Lucky.

      She’s not the one that put him under that spell anyway.

      1. “Safe?” I wouldn’t say anyone is safe in this comic.

      2. Lucky has been the victim from the first time we saw Patience rape him

        1. @Guesticus Finally someone who shares my view on this! ^^

        2. Have been saying that from almost the start 😀

        3. I wouldn’t exactly say Patience raped Lucky as he was willing to sleep with her, but he has been an unfortunate victim in this since he and Patience have been in the strip. Though in some cases you can say that he is a fortunate victim in some ways too. lol

  2. this fucking guy can’t catch a break!

  3. So mean, so funny, and the worst part is, it was mostly not his fault, so i am on the fence, lol.

    1. Yes, it is kinda funny, but you are correct, it is mostly not his fault and Patience will get hers when the time is right

      1. She did sorta, and he was bothering her, way before the indecent, it why i am on the fence for loving it, and feeling bad. He did try to use his power on Karma, so it did backfire that way, lol.

  4. If I lived in a castle where stuff like that happened all the time, I’d feel nervous every time I left my room… I’d probably be wearing armour all the time, too.

    1. Armour with spider, silk undergarments!

      Patience will likely wait until there is something Lucky doesn’t want to be attracted to, then harden him up for more lulz.

      This is a very long night for the poor sorcerer. Just had to sleep while some potions cooled, but NO, some brat steals ’em. Then its just try to sleep through some further cooling off, but NO, blasted fairy gender swaps him and its been no rest since then.

      Maybe Lurker is fairing better… probably not though.

  5. Said it before, and will say it again: Patience is a bitch!!!

  6. I don’t really find impotence funny. BF is supposed to be a “no consequences fuck-fest”, not a geriatric nursing-home simulator.

    For every other curse in BF, there was some kind of “silver lining” for the victim; at the very least they got sexual pleasure (and usually a mind-blowing orgasm).
    What you’re doing to Lucky is just mean and I really hope you’ll make it up to him.

    All in favour, say aye.

    1. EYE!!

      An Eye for an Aye, and a kick for the bitch!

    2. Aye. At least things have been working out for the maid. The other, I hope she has a run in with Baby because.. well.. I like Baby. And I miss her.

  7. I wonder if he can use the activation words on himself. That would be seriously funny indeed.

    1. He’d need to become aware of them, first.

      1. Well, yeah, that’s what I was getting at. He might say something like “It’s so HARD being a guard” and surprise himself with a boner. And eventually figure it out from there…

  8. Too much of a Good Thing, turns out to NOT be a good thing!

    (Let’s be fair, though. Even Magicly-Augmented tumnescence NEEDS a bit of ‘recovery-time’)

    The phrase “Worn-down to a nub” keeps popping into my mind for some reason. Are the Castle Ladies going to have send-out for “Reinforcements” at some point? So far the Faries have been focused on Women (mostly) aside from the initial “revenge” on ‘Sir pees in the wrong place.’ Do they have an ulterior motive?

    Or ANY motive at all aside from “Screwing with the big people.”

    1. The main reason why women are the targets in this strip is because most of the targets tend to be stuck up bitches in some fashion or are sexually repressed. That and the guys in this strip tend to be more honest about their sexual desires and so don’t make for good targets to the fairies.

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