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#0324: Treasure Chest

34 thoughts on “#0324: Treasure Chest

  1. I’d only say boobs look ridiculous depending on the type of boobs and who has said boobs as well. Crystal’s example is a good example of ridiculous looking boobs that are a bit disturbing because it’s on a guy.

    As for Autumn, she looks good with her boobs in my opinion. They are pretty big but not overly so in my opinion.

    1. Obviously, Crystal’s logic is a bit faulty, but that’s what makes it a gag, right? 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

    2. Perhaps, for faeries… when they start to fly face downwards… THEN the boobs are too big.

      Hey, Maybe you guys could do that – have a HUGE booby fairy who flies at this \ angle, face down to the right… until another fairy “adjusts” her?

      And… does she want to be adjusted?

  2. Maybe she needs to try a larger pair.

  3. Autumn’s Boobs look good on her. Crystal obviously doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

    In fact, i’d say she has booby envy.

    1. Oh, I think she knows exactly what she’s trying to do.

  4. This seems less a matter of body image and more a matter of it being a trap. Didn’t Autumn explain earlier that the size of a fairy’s boob’s are relative to their powers? If that’s the case, then I think crystal is trying to trick her into ‘powering down’.

  5. The guy looks familiar

    1. Same guy the princess has sex with while in the Nun’s body.

      Which probably means he doesn’t know he had sex with Heather.

      1. Also she doesn’t know she had sex with him…so sad on all parts for poor choppy :'(

        1. Poor Choppy, what a tragedic character! 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. A Choppy’s life is a hard one~

        3. Stop complaining Choppy, we all know that the only hard part of your life is the one in your pants.

          Incidentally, how many other readers use BF character names as their nicks? I know that Gustav makes an occasional appearance, but are there others?

        4. Actually, this is a little different. Choppy (the reader) was a very geneous backer on Patreon (back when I was still doing that), and at some point, I awarded him a cameo character of “himself” since he’d been so generous for so long. So aside from yourself, he’s the only other reader to have had “himself” featured in the comic. All others are individual initiatives. 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        5. Which gives me the perfect opportunity to thank you again.

          Regardless, individual initiatives or not, I find the idea of characters breaking the 4th wall (to the chagrin of the author) funny.

        6. Yeah..”Choppy” is Short for Chopper Starfang my OC >.>

        7. I wish you a long and rewarding run, Choppy.

        8. As I you Lurker o3o7

    2. It’s Choppy, everyone’s favorite Purity Warrior. (“Woop Woop!”)

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. O.O I doubt i’ll be a purity warrior after the wonderful journey so far X3

        1. The quest to become a Purity Warrior is an arduous one, fraught with perils and… well, sexual temptations. If it was easy to do, everyone would do it, right? 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. Mhmm Q,Q and the rewards in the end is powerful but..Boobs…glorious boobs X3

        3. I dunno, failing the quest to become a purity warrior and repeatedly trying the quest again seems to be it’s own reward. lol

  6. i do not like Crystal. At all.

    1. She’s a despicable little thing, isn’t she? 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

  7. I feel bad for Autumn. She seems genuinely hurt by Crystal’s comments.

    1. That’s probably the point. Crystal is apparently in the process of breaking Autumn completely to her will.

      1. Probably, but it seemed like Autumn was already in her control.

        1. Under control, yes. Broken to the ‘whip’, no; she’s still trying to talk back instead of taking Crystal’s every word as the absolute law of her existence…

        2. Which is why I, personally, am merely monitoring things until the current arc is over. I find casual cruelty to be neither funny nor sexy.

  8. One example does not a case study make. If you want to be scientific about this you will need a much larger sample size. And plenty of control subjects of varying breast sizes for proper comparisons. You know, for science!

  9. I have this growing hope that all of Crystal’s rather flippant (and callous to boot) use of faeries powers on others will come back to fuck with her on this visit! Figuratively. Literally. Powerfully. Frequently… Basically in all of the various -ly’s that can be applied here.

  10. I’m on the flip side here. I’m enjoying seeing Busty/Autumn get a taste of her own medicine.

    Perhaps (though I somehow doubt it) she’ll see that losing control over your own actions at the malicious whims of another isn’t something nice.

  11. Crystal, You’re doing the whole Mind controling supervillian thing wrong. If you brainwash someone you don’t like the physical characteristics of, have them kidnap a replacement one more to your liking and let them go to be brainwashed by some other mastermind with different tastes.

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