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#145: That Loving Feeling

20 thoughts on “#145: That Loving Feeling

  1. Interesting better then my idea. So even on top of DONG being hear, where she could have up to 12 orgasm, now this also. Poor Heather, Krama can be a bitch.

    1. Kinda hard to see it as pay back when she starts to enjoy it.

    2. Geez, if it’s not one DONG it’s another….

  2. It seems my guess was close enough. :-\

  3. So, did the faerie hit the lurker with a spell as well, for him to be able to get excited so soon after having made the beast with two backs with Heather?

    It’s rather pitiful that he still worships her so much after the way she used him and kicked him out.

  4. Hehehe saw it coming :3

  5. Wait, so effectively, Faerie Prime is using magic to mentally rape Heather?

    1. Could be more than mental when magic is involved.

      I guess we’re suppose to hate Heather so much that we don’t care that she’s raped and sexually humiliated. Certainly, Heather and the others don’t seem to care considerably about all the openly forced sex so its likely we’re supposed to accept that this realm has a thing with fae folk doing this often and are considerably more accepting or numb to it.

  6. Gonna have to get some bigger pants!

  7. Is anyone else wondering what happened to the Mirrors bunny ears that appeared in a comic a while back? Still waiting for those to come back 🙂

    1. I just figured they wore off like the other magic was doing at the time

  8. If the spell worked in both directions and he lay with another women he’d get the sensation of doing two women at once o.O

    1. If he gets rewarded like that, then that just proves like charles81 said: we are supposed to loathe Heather with all our being

      1. Again, the other option is we’re supposed to believe its a world where the people are much more numb or dismissive of sexual type humiliation because its full of fae who are regularly pulling this kind of stuff.

        Sort of like homosexuality is quite acceptable in Canada but a 5 year gaolable offence in Egypt and even a mob lynching if the citizens get to you first.

        It seems to hand out the humiliation evenly between the sexes though. Thane cops his fair share with women effectively raping him numb, immediate ejaculation at the sight of breasts and forced vulgarity, lucky/doggy thought he had a good deal until Karma came around, Gustav has been turned into a horse/ass, Aidan into Nadia, Sorcerer into Sorceress and finally lurker here was turned into a perpetually horny girl.

        Although its curious to note that a recurring punishment for the men seems to be turning them into women. To be a woman is punishment? (Aidan/Nadia doesn’t seem to think so at least).

    2. I don’t think the magic works like that. Besides that is too nice for him. But you still bring up a good point if he was with another woman, He would rock both her and Heather’s world (even if he couldn’t feel both women).

      1. IMHO “Lurker” is actually one of the least horrible guys in the comic. Everything he’s done to Heather has either been completely forced by the fairy or by Heather under the Fairy’s influence. About the worst we could accuse him of is maybe a little stalking as a result of his crush on her.

        He’s a very submissive sort of fellow. I get the impression that if he knew he was doing this to her he’d feel guilty and be apologetic.

  9. As if it wasn’t hard enough for her to “Keep her cool” when the bell tolls…now she’s got to deal with random phantom penetration…Hilarity will ensue no doubt.

  10. Hmm… ‘remote’ sex.

    So… what happens when he waggles his joystick?

  11. It occurs to me that the exposition fairy has cast a lampshading spell on this comic. A prank shouldn’t require one character to explain it to the other, complete with the magical equivalent of a Powerpoint slideshow.

  12. It’s fair as faeries are concerned

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