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Fact Sheet #007

12 thoughts on “Fact Sheet #007

  1. At least some things never change 😀

  2. so he’s an old, virgin fart who can’t even get laid with his powerfull magicks? oh dear.

    1. I find the implication that 58 is old extremely offensive.

      1. well, you’d not be exactly bursting with youth and energy anymore. usualy.

        1. hell, im feeling drained already after each day at work, and im exactly half as old.

        2. You’d be surprised. Age really is just a number. I know guys who are nearing their fifties who run Spartan races. Some guys that age who run ultra-marathons. And my own grandfather had declared he was an old man at age 40. It’s really more in your head than in your body.

          This said, I’m sure you didn’t mean it as an offense when you wrote it, and I’m understanding it in the context of the Royal Wizard looking and acting old. 🙂


    2. 58 is probably old for those times.

  3. Didn’t he once get sodomized in the comic though ?

  4. It doesn’t say flat out he’s still a Virgin, just has “Not Much Luck”, I know guys that use some fairly powerful Mojo but only get laid a few times a year, heck one guy had a half decade dry spell. when their not playing the Smooth Operator for the Ladies they are the biggest bunch of Loser Pervs on the face of this earth, but they still get their end in once in a wile.

  5. Wait a minute. I thought Aidan had insulted a faerie to be cursed with his ‘twin guns’! You mean it was this douche who caused it?! Somebody get Karma up in here, I know a guy who needs a swift kick in the keister from her.

    1. Yup, this needs clarification

  6. Comic strip image missing

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