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#52: Perhaps if You Looked Harder…?

24 thoughts on “#52: Perhaps if You Looked Harder…?

  1. Hmmm female armsman…me likey.

  2. Was that caused by the knight arriving( Which would mean he’s still cursed) or the mirror?

  3. Our good sir Thane is going to tap the left shoulder of the male guard … I wonder if this will “unlock” some … peculiar desires of his, and make us discover that the guard is bi

  4. on the plus side he’s not measuring her breast plate anymore… or is he?

    1. Don’t be silly. He’s a guy. What SHE doesn’t know is we don’t need rulers to measure breastplates. We do it instinctively, all the time, and pretty accurately, too. So yeah, to paraphrase Wat, Roland, Kate and Chaucer (from A Knight’s Tale): she’s been weighed, she’s been measured, and she’s absolutely… been found desirable. 🙂


  5. Hmn..thought the mirror was one of those “can see out of any other mirror” types…guess one of those breastplates is shiny enough to give the mirror a view out there? Or maybe the water in the moat or something…

    1. Oh, I see, you’re thinking the mirror is doing this to the female guard. Actually, this one isn’t the mirror’s work, it’s… Sir Thane’s. Not that this is deliberate, of course… 🙂


      1. So Sir Thane’s curse is still active?

        1. I don’t think that faerie would have made it to be self-cancelling or put it on a timer. I also don’t think Thane managed to pay her since we last saw him…

        2. Hey, it WAS fifty crowns, after all!


        3. Yeah. The cure probably keeps him too…um, “Busy” to be able to save up to pay the Faerie too.

          Still, the original curse on the princess wore off.

        4. It occurs to me that even if Thane still had that kind of money, he probably had to pay it after his, ahemhem, ‘stay’ at the bordello, when the proprietors finally pried all those women off of him and demanded compensation for his, ahemhemhem, ‘entertainments’. Really, I’d be surprised they let him keep his armour, weapon and horse, except they were probably really eager to get rid of him at a certain point.

        5. Though i gotta give Thane credit. He may hate the curse, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to save a damsel he thinks is in distress.

          Unlike Heather, he’s a faerie victim who’s not a bad person. At least from what we’ve seen.

        6. dont you think they would like him, since his seed has an … intersting effects on women! 😉

        7. The prostitutes? Quite possibly. The pimps? Not once his money ran out.

        8. Then again, his curse also makes the women he has sex with uber sexy, so the pimps probably wouldn’t be too angry.

  6. First time commenter. I’ve been following your comic for a while and I must say that I really enjoy everything thus far. Extremely sexy but yet tasteful. 🙂

    Though, I must say something: I SENSE THREESOME!!! Hahaha. The mirror’s been on a roll if I do say so myself. 😛

    1. Hey Bee, welcome to the “family.”

      Thanks for the kind comments, glad you enjoy the strip. Stay tuned, more tasteful-ssssexy stuff on the way. 🙂


  7. I wonder how long it will take before Thane runs into either a militant lesbian or the husband of one of the women his curse is affecting, and he first gets opened like a tin can, and then opened like a beached whale.

    Also, that guard is going to be pretty disappointed if Than does as he says and his colleague returns to normal.

    1. Well, we wouldn’t want any harm to befall our friendly Sir Thane, now would we? But yes, I’m sure some of these things are within the realm of possibilities. 🙂


      1. I’d say some pretty big harm already -has- befallen him… :$

  8. Now this is the way to wage a war.

  9. Even if there’s no damsel in distress here, there happens to be a damsel in…

    …wait for it…

    …’dat armor!

    1. That’s the kind of distress I *like*…

      “I’m doing it.”

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