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#58: Really, Really Sorry!

72 thoughts on “#58: Really, Really Sorry!

  1. :'( She’s still lovely no matter what form

  2. I’d still do her.

  3. This is too hardbreaking to even watch. 🙁
    Look, even bunny ears flopped down. *tears*
    I hope there’s a happy ending for poor Maria.

  4. Heck, get her in the same room as Sir Sexalot and she can be poofed pretty again.

    1. Depending on your definition of pretty.

      There are plenty of people who’d think her original body is pretty too.

      I didn’t think she look bad imo.

  5. This makes me cry! T_T

  6. The mirrors expression is what gets me. She really is sorry.

  7. Hm, is she in pain or does she not bear to look at the changes…
    No matter what, she’s still pretty. But I don’t think she feels pretty anymore, poor soul.
    And poor mirror is really sorry too.
    I blame the faerie.

    1. ALWAYS blame the faerie!

  8. This is really sad 🙁

  9. Poor Marie. It’s sad that she can’t look at the person she really is without seeing at least one positive thing. I mean, she has a wonderful face in her true physical form…

  10. Right there with you, Marie. No matter how many people tell me what a sweet girl I am, all I can see in the mirror is the weight.

    May there be a happy ending for you. (hint, hint, Jaycee! 😉 )

    1. Big girls are pretty too, i’m sure that’s the same for you. 😉

      Though i think with Marie it was the fact the she was younger as well. Though i personally think she’s beautiful in her real body as well.

      1. Many thanks, Jakob. *mwah* 😉

        If youth was indeed part of Marie’s package-deal, I’d be very curious to see how an ‘older’ -and- stereotypically-pretty Marie would appear. Lots of potential there, too.

  11. I sure hope Marie gets what she’s looking for. Seeing people who had it coming getting metaphorically slapped around some is fine, but it sucks when the innocent get abused too. Not that it’s not in character, of course — “faeries are cruel” is a central theme, here — but sign me up for the list of people who want Marie to come out ahead after all.

    1. Well remember that Sir Thane was a nice guy too and so was the Female guard.

      Faeries don’t really seem to care who they curse.

      1. *waggles hand* All we really know about Sir Thane’s life before he met that horrible faerie and accidentally got her back up, is that he was riding out to wage war on someone, don’t we? I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, though; he seems too dim to be truly evil.

        1. Yeah, Thane also said he was sorry to the Faerie after he accidentally peed on her. From what we seen of Thane, he isn’t a bad guy.

          His case seemed to have been a classic “Wrong place, Wrong time”.

  12. Aw, this is such a sad update 🙁 it breaks my heart

  13. watch as Sir Thane bangs her pretty!

    1. I’d say she’s pretty either way.

  14. Sadness. 🙁 I got so excited to come see today’s update, then I clicked and was just heartbroken for poor Marie. You know the mirror feels like shit.

  15. Jaycee! Mean!

    1. What he/she said!

      1. Told you you’d be upset with me.


        1. Bad Jaycee! Go to my room!

        2. ?? is that a punishment?

        3. Of course it is. My collection of rabid rabbits agrees with me on this.


    That’s just too Sad!! :~((

  17. The emotion in her character as she goes back to who she is from who she wants to be is just gut wrenching. Easily your best comic strip to date.

  18. Not what I was expecting from my weekly dose of BF. This made me Cry!!

  19. I would still hit that 😀

  20. That was heartbreaking. It really makes me sad to see the innocent get hurt. I hope Marie gets some happiness in the future.

    JvK B|

  21. 3 things:

    It was great while it lasted.

    Sex don’t last long anyway.

    she should be grateful she got any as most people like that don’t get sex with anyone remotely attractive.(no offense)

    1. 1. true
      2. so true
      3. bad form, mate, bad form…

      1. what do you mean?

        1. The third statement was more than a bit offence and it’s false.

        2. Hey some people like that kinda thing (Baby Got Back: )

    2. First off, if sex doesn’t last that long then you’re doing something wrong. There are people in their 80’s and 90’s that still do it and enjoy it. Secondly what makes someone truly attractive is on the inside not the surface. So saying that she should be grateful that she got to bang someone based purely on looks is not only pretty shallow, but pretty damn pathetic as well.

      1. I interpreted the comment about sex not lasting long as pertaining to casual relationships. As for her looks, I think she’s perty just the way she is. But the facial expressions (woot for Wondollar, by the by, great job) tell me she doesn’t think that way of herself. Does the BF Universe have beauty magazines? Or is the ideal beauty projected in other ways?
        Even faeries get a “prize” for punking people in the form of big breasts (which, if you ask me, are more of a punishment than a prize, talk about back-breaking weight!)

        I digress. But I think kipper didn’t mean any harm by it, he just didn’t think it through enough, I gather.

  22. I was just looking on the bright side

    1. No doubt you meant well, as the first two comments suggest. The third statement was a bit of a downer, but I’m sure you didn’t mean it in the way it can be read.


  23. Jaycee, just as we are sure you didn’t mean this update to be this much of a downer? Difference is, you can fix this and make it all better. To paraphrase a line from Ghostbusters I, “you have the tools, you have the talent”. Make it all better Bard, this ending is up to you.

    1. I think you misunderstood my intentions… This strip was not an accident (as I mention in my latest blog entry). It doesn’t mean BF is becoming a drama, it’s just a one-shot thing.

      As for the “happy ending,” we’ll see, shall we?


  24. Like the Styx song, don’t let it end this way.

  25. I read this comic for a bit of a laugh and often find myself rolling my eyes at parts.

    But this was a truly moving strip that made me really feel for a character who’s barely been fleshed out.

    Certainly, I can see how you might not want to make drama and sorrow a regular thing in a light-hearted sexual comedy, but a spattering here and there to show more depth and grant more empathy with the characters can really do wonders.

  26. Aww 🙁 I has a sad.
    Great job, Jaycee. You did express some hard emotions with this piece.

    1. Honestly, most of the credit goes to Wondollar. He did a spectacular job on this strip, and the idea wouldn’t have worked if he wasn’t so damn good at facial expressions!


  27. I think its a moment of coming to term with reality, her fantasy came crashing down around her. Is she still a beautiful woman? That’s for her to determine, though I will say if there wasn’t a large group of men in the world that loved Big Beautiful Women then there wouldn’t be a porn category for it. ^_^ I am a bigger girl, 6’2 so I have a lot of issues with people thinking I am unattractive because of my oddity, but I have found that for every guy out there that thinks I am odd, there are 2 more that think it’s attractive. Gotta look at the pluses in life.

  28. truly heartbreaking…

  29. …and the faerie should be ashamed!

  30. 🙁 I just want her to look in the mirror and smile again. I don’t care how she looks, as long as she smiles again. We love you Maria!

  31. Well if that is all the damage, she could have been knocked up as well! :p

  32. Wondollar is indeed an outstanding artist. I’d read this strip even if it didn’t any cheesecake in it; whatever the story was, his renderings would make it shine.

    Poor, poor Marie. Makes me wonder why some faerie effects have a permanent duration (like Aidan’s ‘twin cannons’, for instance), and some don’t. Ah, the cruel whimsy of faeries. But then again, the title of this strip is *not* “Happy Faeries” or “Friendly Faeries” and they wouldn’t be considered a plague or an infestation if they played nice.

    Make no mistake, though – I’m firmly in the “Happy Ending for Marie” camp.

  33. Well, if all of you feel like throwing some faerie “hate” out there, you may want to have a listen to the WLP Podcast where they review Bloomin’ Faeries! (followed by a fantastic song, Smash the Frickin’ Faeries!). Check it out here: The review is around 10:00, and the song around 11:00. 🙂


    1. Hey, A Tom Smith song! He does great filk!

    2. I dunno if I would call it faerie hate. Call it more strong faerie dislike right about now. But the faerie does what she does, and we all should beware.

  34. I read a fair amount of comics and the silent pages are usually the most touching ones, this one is no exception.

  35. this is the meanest comic I have ever seen

  36. I know what Marie feels! This is too hard to watch her suffer like that! Update the strip, PLEASE! Its tooooo saaaad!!!

  37. I am now even more enraged that Jaycee got the room invite from TooHot. Do not reward his evul mind! EVUL

    1. Room invite was not meant to be a reward. As the rabid rabbits that occupy the said room would soon prove.

      They’d ACCEPT, TOLERATE AND LOVE the sh*t out of him.

      1. Yeah, I figured this was some kind of trap, thus my noted absence from your room. Plus, like Anya (from Buffy), rabbits terrify me. Good thing I didn’t go. 😉


        1. Is that conditioned from the white bunny from hell in the Holy Grail? The rabid rabbits are full of ninja LOVE and prone to guerilla attacks of ACCEPTANCE!
          And despite me being full of sad for Maria, the strip’s jolly good. I haven’t looked forward so much to an update in a long while.

  38. gromire~silverwinf

    im not going to poke fun at marie, mom tuaght me karma’s a bitch but nothing that is given is ever free, she shouldn’t feel down ( too much.. though the comic WAS really emotional, good job jaycee and wondollar) i hope she makes a “recovery” and put he self loathing away after all confidence IS the sexest emotion to exist.

  39. These bunny ears are just awful. It’s a grotesque touch in this scene, a mockery of Marie’ sadness -___-

    I don’t know why, but I’m really hurt by them.

    1. Guess everyone reacts differently to them. Me, I felt they added contrast to the sadness of the scene, and in fact added to it because of they should be comical, but aren’t.

      But your mileage may vary.


  40. URGHA EH. BLEH, Jesus. Right in the feelings. That was cruel. If art seeks to make one feel, you have more than succeeded JC. Hmm, a Deus ex reference would be most apropos for your name Mr. Jaycee.

  41. I’m currently marathoning the archives – this one really got me in the feels. Bravo – I am impressed. And have um, dust in my eyes.

    1. This was one of the more popular strips, yes. It left a lot of dust in the air, so you’re not the only one who had that issue. 😉

      “I’m doing it.”

  42. gromire the not silverwing

    Hey silverwing (f) mom taught you more then that xD. But I what your saying does appeal on a certain condition. She (marie) is the every woman in a wonderful world of fantasy thus by being the least attractive (debateable) she only sees herself as ugly.

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