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#81: Muffins on the Menu

25 thoughts on “#81: Muffins on the Menu

  1. Don’t get between them, lady-guard. It’s no good being the meat in an idiot sandwich.

  2. Nadia likes girls though, so she’ll dump him for the female guard. That or The Wizard changes Nadia back to Aidan while the guard is still sitting on the lap.

  3. Wait. Are those rifles propped up against the bar?! o_o I thought this storyline was set in the Dark Ages!

    1. Nope, those are the stocks of a pair of repeating double crossbow. With the pulling power enough to put a bolt through a carriage wall.

    2. Blunderbusses, actually. Aidan’s (now Nadia’s) signature weapons.


      1. Even more confirmation, then, that this story is not taking place on Earth.

        1. Indeed, I never made a statement indicating where this story is taking place. Ultimately, does it matter much?


    3. Hello! 🙂 You don’t know me, but i’m Paul. 😉

      Anyway, Firearms, though rare, Were actually in service, as forerunners of our modern versions, as early as the 1600’s. Futhermoore, there are confirmed depictions of primitive firearms as early as the 12th century in China, which had actually invented gunpowder about 3 centuries pior. as early as the 1500’s, there were standing armies, where the firearm/gun, was a standard piece of infantry equipment.


  4. Oh that poor fool; wait till they find a room to be “alone”.

  5. Awe, heck…she looks like she’s having fun! But, yeah…she’s just being nice to the boy.

  6. Didn’t she say early that she likes girls.. she’s probably just hanging out and laughing with the guy.. like ‘one of the boys’.

    1. Pretty much, yeah.


      1. And treating him like a LITTLE boy, putting him up on her knee like that. Once (if) he realizes it, he should be very disappointed and emasculated…

  7. The knight sure looks like he is out of place or rather nervous at the scene. Still I hope that Nadia doesn’t steal the chick from the knight.

  8. I detect raunchy threesome in the works…Which could work out if Nadia reverts. Huh. Gonna be fun readin!

  9. …..
    Interesting how in less than a minute,.. the male guard ended up in sumbodies lap,…

    I’ll be reading this with baited breath.

    Will the female guard “Female Up” and at least admit to herself that the male guard “May” be worthwhile?

    Will the Wizard cure his son before this gets worse?

    Is Thane still alive? (Death by Snu-snu)

    Princess should be a puddle of jelly by now,.. (over a day of Orgasm by the hour? MEH)

    The Prince and the maid don’t know each other in thier true forms.

    1. “Baited” breath? Like the cat who ate some cheese and breathed down a mouse hole?

      I think you meant “Bated” though…

  10. On the one hand, it’s pretty unethical to change someone against their will. On the other hand, Nadia seems really happy. I guess the only ethical thing to do is to turn Nadia back into Aidan and ask him which he prefers… but Nadia is funnier!

  11. Nadia’s joke ends with “…so I made a meal out of HER!”

    Anyone wants to write the FIRST PART of that joke? 🙂

    Maybe I should make that a contest… How about this: the best joke before Sunday 12:00 AM Eastern Time, gets 10 Bloomin’ Coins!

    So let’s hear it!


    1. “I was riding through the forest when this dragon leaped out from behind a tree. She was roaring and breathing fire and licking her chops. When she finally shut up, I asked her what she wanted. She told me: “Little man, I am going to EAT you!” All’s fair in love and war, they say…

    2. There was an unfortunate Sir
      Who was failing to pleasure his girl.
      He approached me real nice,
      To ask for advice…

      1. While it does look like the last line of a Limerick, “Girl” doesn’t rhyme with Sir and Her.

        And your fourth line has too few syllables.

        Given this is Bloomin’ Faeries, it would have to be a DIRTY limerick, of course…

        A tasty young wench in some fur,
        Once thought my emotions to stir,
        She cooked me good grub,
        And bent over to scrub,
        And so…

        1. Well, if we’re going to get THAT nit-picky, your lines with ‘grub’ and ‘scrub’ don’t quite match up either. But it is a much better rhyme, especially in content.

  12. Just replace “sir” with “churl”, and it’s all good.

    Some amount of poetic license is allowable, so “her” doesn’t have to be “hurl.” 🙂

  13. I just realized I never declared a winner for these jokes… And so, without further ado, the winner is…


    If you’ve got an account for Bloomin’ Coins!, tell me what it is and I’ll give you the coins!


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