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Bloomin’ Faeries! #0332

45 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #0332

  1. Eeeh, i still don’t trust it. There’s going to be a catch somewhere.

    1. Yups, was thinking that as well 🙁

  2. 2nd panel “Ok, that a beautiful…. 3rd “WOWZA!”

    1. Yeah, I thought panel 2 was really nice when I first saw it. But panel 3 stole my heart. 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. I’m a little surprised at the enormous breasts, given Crystal’s noted objection to them as being an attractive feature. Her long time fairy slave should know that, and you’d think she would have to tailor her results according to her knowledge of her mistresses preferences.

        So, perhaps a bit of rebellion is allowed to sneak in to their order following?

        1. Maybe… Stay tuned. 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

  3. Haha, does it stop at panel #3, or does it start to go ‘wrong’ on the next page? Man, I hope not, panel #3 is a nice look to be sure and meets the requested super attractive to a ‘T’

  4. Debatable, Miss Marie. Debatable… :-/

  5. *Flies back in hangs hat on the and unpacks* Hachi Machi!

  6. Ixnay on the eforebay, Marie! Crystal hears you’ve already had the experience of being a beneficiary of faeriecraft and she may want to take it back.

  7. Yeah, it does feel like an opportunity was lost to demonstrate that there is a difference between an attractive person and a sexy one. No change at all would have said so much more. Now she just looks like a stereotype.

    This goes back to my basic dislike of magic as a story-telling device. It is the easiest and least meaningful method of furthering the plot. One never really learns anything, problems are created and resolved arbitrarily, and there are never any actual consequences because no matter how dire the situation it can be rectified in a “poof”.

    Yes, as some have mentioned, it would be so much better if this was not just another super-sexy result of magic but actually “said” something and gave the readers more insight into the mechanics of this world.

    But be warned, any insight could easily and lazily be undermined by the authors at any moment, why?… because “Magic!” POOF!

    1. Seems a bit like this might be the wrong webcomic for you, to be honest. :-/

    2. I mean, you raise good points, but at the same time they’re not really things that spring to mind when I think of Bloomin’ Faeries.

    3. Magic (at least in the BFverse) is the tool used by faeries to implement their will. Magic itself doesn’t have a soul, an opinion or a personality. Faeries do (well, I’m not sure about the soul part, but everything else, yes). Magic isn’t the interesting part of this strip, or at least it’s not my goal to make it interesting.

      The comic is called Bloomin’ Faeries! for a reason.

      So it’s the faeries who decided what she looked like. They call the shots. The result says something about them, and it’s something pretty consistent throughout the comic.

      This said, as a separate topic, magic can be a tricky plot device for writers, and the more you explain it, the more trouble you get into. I find it’s best to just use it and leave it at that. When you start trying to make sense of it, you end up with “yeah, but what about THAT”-kind of questions, and that leads into an endless spiral that neither helps nor furthers the general plot.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Thank you for making that point, its been bugging me a little as well, and I’m glad that this is, the faeries decision about what is “sexy and attractive” and not being couched as a universal law that magic applies too.

        1. Yeah, no, it’s nothing like a universal rule of beauty. While this is a very shallow and exploitative comic, it would not sit well with me to sweepingly suggest that there is only one kind of female beauty, and that it’s tied to one specific fat percentage or breast size.

          But faeries do what faeries do… 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. Beauty is in the pen of W. Wondollar. 😀

    4. Nim, while I generally concur, please notice that faerie magic in the BFvesrse has only been used to make physical and mental changes to humans so far. So if a problem cannot be solved by making somebody horny, enhancing their attractiveness, changing their gender or turning them into a horse, it would have to be dealt with by more mundane means.

      1. You say that as if there are any problems which cannot be solved by the very methods you described…

        1. Big boobs solve everything.


          That’s a well-known universal fact.

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. Now, this is exactly the type of discussion I wanted to initiate. No, this is not the wrong comic to mention this as it is precisely what I was getting at. For with the responses above we have actually gained some insight into HOW THIS WORLD WORKS.

          It is not that I am looking for an explanation of magic – because there is none. But rather force the issue toward better storytelling and disclosure. Magic lets you be lazy.

          We now know that the faeries and their whims drive the results of the magic.

          We now know that any consequences of the recipients of that magic are dependent on that person’s character.

          We now know that faeries can both initiate events or can be bound (genie like) to a master but still have latitude when it comes to expressions of magical requests.

          None of this should “limit” magic in the story and should not curtail the author in any way. There should be not “What about that time” events, unless the author is not paying attention and being lazy / sloppy or just does not care about what is being said.

          Do not be lazy, just be better than you are now… and isn’t that message of this strip at its core?

          (Still think an opportunity was missed)

        3. There’s nothing new about any of the above, it’s been like this for the last 6 years. Magic was never random, and the results were always consistent with the intents of the faeries using it. It’s a bit odd to read this as a series of “we now know” rules when it seemed pretty established very early on.

          But perhaps it was only obvious to me. Curious to hear what everybody else thinks.

          “I’m doing it.”

        4. Not that the rules were not there or obvious but rather magic without consequences produces plots without actual conflict as there is ultimately no cost to the characters except for time spent and the experience.

          Sort of like the roller coaster plot, one that runs everyone through crazy loops and spins on a fixed track only to deposit them back where they started having never really been in any risk. A fun ride, but what was accomplished?

          Knowing there are rules in the world of any story makes the magic more of a force to be dealt with having prices to be paid vs. a simple device to solve or create character or circumstance conflicts.

          I too would like to hear what everybody thinks.

        5. I’m pretty sure Heather’s story (if you read the strip from beginning to now) makes a statement as to what kind of comic this is.

          The rules were always there. The story was always there. But more importantly: boobs. 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        6. The Fundamental theorem of software engineering states:
          “We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection”

          “… except for the problem of too many levels of indirection”

        7. I love that software engineering, one of the most rigid and fixed professions, with set rules and logical approaches is being used as an example to bluster a magical plot point.

          Well done.

        8. > software engineering, one of the most rigid and fixed professions, with set rules and logical approaches

          Bwahahaha…. Thank you, my friend, I needed a good laugh.

          Back to the point.

          Magic, *well written* magic, usually has “set rules and logical approaches”. They may not be explicitly stated, but they can often be inferred by the discerning reader.

          Exhibit #1: “the magic goes away” series, written by Larry Niven, a “hard” science-fiction writer.

  8. Aw… I thought the faries were going to turn her into a hunk of a man.

    1. They haven’t stopped… yet (notice the sparklies and magic crap still going on in panel three?)

  9. You know… I love this webcomic… It has a nice mixture of fetishes… My favorite is fmg… But, I just love the whole sense of humor… Anyway… I kind of wish you sold collections of this webcomic so I could buy it and read it easier…. Just an idea…

    1. That’s very kind of you to say. What does “FMG” refer to? Google suggests Female Muscle Growth–which I admit I like but don’t over do.

      Are you looking for paper collections, or just PDF? I’ve been very reluctant to create printed versions because there’s a significant overhead cost (and risk) associated with those. So far, all attempts at creating derivative physical products have been financially disastrous, so I’m not inclined to go in that direction all that much…

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. You could always go the route of crowdsourcing your expenses. Kickstarter is one of a few different options.

        1. I’ve looked into it a few years ago, and I don’t have the bandwidth to dedicate to a properly run crowdfunding project.

          (The real answer is a bit longer than that, but I don’t have that much time to delve into it. Medium version: it’s a money pit, and in order for it NOT to be a money pit, I would have to invest considerable amounts of time that I could dedicate to other projects that I’m more interested in–and which I don’t have enough time for at the moment.)

          Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for excuses not to do it, I’m a generally pretty dynamic and active guy–I just need to prioritize my time and invest it in things that bring my life added value. Just making a few bucks on printed books doesn’t feel like the best use of my limited time.

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. I meant female muscle growth… I know you don’t over do it… But, what you have is really nice. I would like more, but hey it’s a fun series regardless… And I meant PDF’s of it. I’d be willing to pay to get some and it really would only take your time as you seem to have a cart system in place already.

  10. Best Maria ever! I hate to admit it but, panel #3 — she’s hit ‘Baby’ wow-ness.

    Unfortunately, having seen Crystal’s tendencies… I suspect the NEXT 3 panels will take all the joy away.

    1. Well, if you like Marie and if you like Baby, I think you’re going to LOVE what comes next… 😉

      “I’m doing it.”

  11. ok so in all seriousness. Jaycee can you tell me if there is some sort of test for seeing if a butterfly is a faerie? i only ask cause i feel like this butterfly has been following me everywhere ever since i freed it from a spiderweb and an ex who hated my guts mere months ago just asked if we could reconnect. I am overly paranoid normally but i’ve read your blogs so i am kinda worried im reading more into these series of events than i should.

    1. Well, you might be in a bit of trouble right there, but I think the good news is that you might have saved a faerie’s life. They tend to be grateful (or grateful-ish) when you help them, so she might be trying to pay you back.

      I’d say watch out for what happens with your ex. If you get together and she stays behaving abnormally (sexually, I mean), or if you notice physical changes in her appearance or attributes, yeah, that butterfly might be a faerie.

      There’s no way to get a faerie to reveal herself to you, but if she finds your reactions to what’s going on entertaining or funny, she’s more likely to reveal herself. Let me know how it pans out.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Say, how much hatred is there between spiders and faeries? I’ve said some harsh things about bloomin’ faeries over the years, and I have a veritable honour guard of spiders at my house… :p

  12. I see this going 1 of 2 ways.

    1) She somehow becomes or is mistaken for nobility.
    2) The princess corrects her faeries ‘mistakes’ and has her made flat chested and ‘truely’ beautiful.

  13. She looks more like a fairy now.

  14. Makes you wonder how then fairies can interpret their orders.

    After all big boobs are not attractive to Crystal

    1. Yeah. But to a faerie, they’re signs of power and therefore appealing.

  15. Helloooooooo, Nurse!

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